
Rabbi Moses David Vali

Rabbi Moses David Vali (or Valle) was an Italian Jewish rabbi and doctor; born at Padua and died there 

Born: ~1697 Padova (Padua), Italy
Died: Padova (Padua), Italy, 1776

Rabbi Moses David Vali (or Valle) was an Italian Jewish rabbi and doctor; born at Padua and died there 


He was a kabbalistic scholar of repute and lectured before the Paduan association known as "Mevakshei Adonai," in company with the two noted scholars Israel Hezekiah Treves and Jacob Ḥazaḳ. These lectures were attended by Ramchal, who, becoming deeply interested in kabbalah, began to study it under Vali both with the association and in his own home, Ramchal's acute intellect exceeding that of his confrères.

At the age of twenty-five Vali wrote a polemical work in Italian against Christianity, divided into seven parts, and entitled "I Sette Giorni della Verità." He wrote also, in Hebrew, seventy "tikkunim" on Deuteronomy 34:12. Between 1721 and 1767 he wrote eight large volumes in Hebrew, the greater part of them consisting of a commentary upon the entire Bible. They are still unpublished. Ephraim Luzzatto wrote a sonnet entitled "Eleh Bene ha-Ne'urim," praising the lectures of Vali and Treves.

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Moses David Vali protect us all. Amen

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    • רבי יחיאל הלל בן רבי יעקב
    • שיינה מינדל בת ר' יחיאל הלל
    • Jesus Maria Valencia Tapiero ben Jesus Devia
  • Healing

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    • Alberto ben Alberto
    • Sarah bat Primo
    • Moshe Daniel Yitro ben Pedro Shaul
    • Rachel leah bat Abraham
    • Luiz ben Lino
    • Luis Felipe ben Guadalupe Argimiro
    • Dania Nechama bat David Levi
    • Alexandra bat Adrian
    • Daniel ben Shimon
    • Yaakov ben Itzhak
    • Daniel ben Moshe
    • Ingrid bat Horst
    • Yaakov Bourla ben Itzhak
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