
Rabbi Moshe Weber

Rabbi Moshe Weber (November 25, 1913 - February 24, 2000) was one of the founders of the "Chetam Sofer" and "Ohel Moshe", a repentant and influential Chabad In Israel  but exceedingly humble


Born: Jerusalem 1913
Died: Jerusalem Israel, 2000


Born in Jerusalem to Pinchas Leibush, a student of Rabbi Chaim of Brisk, and to Chava, the daughter of Elimelech Perlman. At the age of two, he was orphaned from his father, who had typhoid fever. Studied at a Chassidic Torah Yeshiva of Chabad Hasidism. In 1929, he met Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson when he visited the country. Later, the Rebbe was appointed "influencer" at the yeshiva. The "influencer" was a principal of his followers in Jerusalem and was an influencer in the Ohel Isaac Synagogue. During his first visit to his yard, in 1957, the Lubavitcher Rebbe sent his secretary Benjamin Klein to greet him at the airport.

When Rabbi Weber was young and sicked in  severe pneumonia, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinsky, a rabbi of the ultra-Orthodox community, declared a Taanit in Kollel headed by him and added the name "Haim" to the rabbi. He was also close to Rabbi Shlomo Mazwihel, who sent his grandchildren to study with him and secretly funded the kolel of the avrechim that Rabbi Weber headed.

The Admor Rabbi David Kahn Toldot Aharon used to study the writings of Chabad Rebbe by Rabbi Weber. The Rebbe considers Rabbi Weber as one of his many teachings in Hasidism


Rabbi Moshe Weber was born  as a son of a major rabbi in Jerusalem.  He was orphaned from his father at two years old, and his mother enrolled him to learn in yeshivat Torat Emet in Jerusalem.  In 1946, the Rebbe Rayatz appointed him to be mashpia in the yeshiva, where he taught and advised student for many years.  Among Rabbi Moshe’s many merits is the establishment of the tefilin stand at the kotel after the Six-day abbiwar.  R’ Moshe tended to the tefilin stand by himself, with only occasional help from other Chabad chasidim (it was later taken over by Chabad).

Rabbi Moshe was known to many ba’alei tshuva and others who enjoyed his hospitality for Shabbat and festival meals in his modest home in Meah Shearim.  Unfortunately, he and his wife were childless, but they had many “spiritual” children.  R’ Moshe could not be limited to one yeshiva, he opened himself to all streams and to all Jews.  He was well known in Meah Shearim as the “go-to” person if an individual Jew or Jewess, non-observant, wandered into the neighborhood looking for hospitality.  He was also a talmud-chacham, well versed in Talmud, chasidus and poskim, and exceedingly humble.  He authored a volume of novellae on Chumash, by the name of Yarim Moshe.

Many are the students and beneficiaries of this humble but wise man, who constantly sacrificed himself for others and bestowed kindness on others.  His talmid muvhak was Rabbi Ido Weber, who still lives in Meah Shearim and writes and teaches from Rabbi Moshe’s teachings.  R’ Moshe passed away in the year 2000.  May his memory be blessed

His books

Yarim Moshe
Yalkut Emuna Ubitahon
Hear and live your soul

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Moshe Weber protect us all. Amen

Photos credit :Yeshiva world news

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