
Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz

Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz (- 13th of Tamuz 5580) was a fourth generation Chassidic Rebbe. The son of Rabbi Yechiel Michal Mazlotov.

Born: Kremenets Ukraine 1745-1746
Died: Kremenets Ukraine , 1819

Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz (- 13th of Tamuz 5580) was a fourth generation Chassidic Rebbe. The son of Rabbi Yechiel Michal Mazlotov.

His history

Born to Miriam and Rabbi Yechiel Michal the student of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mazarich. Married to the daughter of Rabbi Eliezer of Kolbasov. He was a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizansk. After the death of his father, he began to serve as a Rebbe and was one of the greatest Rebbe of his generation and many followers from Wahlin would travel there. Composed an arrangement according to the Aryslan entitled "Straight Prayer"  which was printed in Bradville in a valid year (known as Siddur Berdichov)

Among his students were Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach of Ebrich, Rabbi Yeshayah Shor (author of the Calil Tiferet book) and Rabbi Meir of Permishlan who even instructed his nephew Rabbi Yissachar to name his son Rabbi Mordechai Mandborne. Rabbi Nathan of Breslov began his approach to Hasidism with Rabbi Mordechai. Was the gesture of Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot [

His children were:

Rabbi Yitzchak of Granov, son-in-law of Rabbi Shalom Shachana of Fahrabitz.
Son-in-law Rabbi Shlomo of Granov son of Rabbi Shmuel Leib of Linitz.
We were married to Rabbi Zvi Aryeh of Palestine-Safed.
Rabbi Michal of Vyshnowitz
Rabbi Yosef Yoske of Walchisk
Rabbi Israel. Son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim Hagar of Kosov.
Son-in-law, Rabbi Meir Yehuda of Bokowsk.
Rabbi Benjamin
Eve of Rabbi Aharon of Carlin.
Wife of Rabbi Yosef David Landa Malik.

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Mordechai of Kremnitz protect us all, Amen


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