
Rabbi Moshe Kalfon Ha-Cohen of Jerba

Scholar and leader of the ancient Kohanim community of Jerba, Tunisia.

Born: Jerba, Tunisia,, 1874
Died: Jerba, Tunisia, 1950

Torah scholar and leader of the ancient Kohanim community of Jerba, Tunisia. 

Rabbi Moshe served in the Jewish court in Jerba, he was known for his total honesty and his great efforts to meet true justice and peace among the people. People who showed disrespect towards him or disobey his rulings would often be punished from "above", or be warned in their dreams.

In 1943 the Nazis came to Tunisia, and demanded from R' Moshe to collect for them 50 kilos of gold in 3 1/2 hours, or else they would bomb the Jewish communities of Jerba and Tunis. The next day the Allies conquered Tunisia and the Nazis were gone from Tunisia. The 35 kilos of gold that the Jews managed to collect was not handed to the Germans. 

May the merit of the tzaddik  Rabbi Moshe Kalfon HaCohen of Jerba  protect us all, Amen.

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