
Harav Yehudah Meir Shapiro of Shepetovka

Harav Yehudah Meir Shapiro, born in 5520/1760, was the son of Harav Pinchas of Koritz. His father would tell his younger sons to respect their older brother, not only because he was their older brother, but because he was born during the lifetime of the Baal Shem Tov

Born: 1760 (5520)
Died: 1829 (5589), 1829

Rabbi Yehudah Meir Shapiro of Shepetovka, zt”l

Harav Yehudah Meir Shapiro, born in 5520/1760, was the son of Harav Pinchas of Koritz. His father would tell his younger sons to respect their older brother, not only because he was their older brother, but because he was born during the lifetime of the Baal Shem Tov.

He was originally called just Meir. During his youth, a plague broke out in the city. Reb Pinchas davened, and the plague ceased, but his young son Meir was deathly ill. The people saw this as a sign that he would be taken as a kapparah for them and asked Reb Pinchas to lighten the decree. The decision was made to add the name Yehudah and he became well.

He married Rebbetzin Sarah, the daughter of Harav Yaakov Shimshon of Shepetovka. Following the move of his father-in-law to Eretz Yisrael, Reb Yehudah Meir took his place as Rav in Shepetovka.

When Harav Pinchas Koritzer was niftar on 10 Elul 5551/1891, Reb Yehudah Meir was appointed Rebbe by Harav Chaim of Krasna. His court, in Shepetovka, attracted a large crowd of chassidim.

After his appointment as Rebbe his tefillos would take many hours. Reb Yehudah Meir was known as a poel yeshuos, and many instances of ruach hakodesh were witnessed.

Some of the divrei Torah of Reb Yehudah Meir were published in the sefer of his grandson, Harav Menachem Mendel of Vizhnitz, Sifsei Tzaddik.

His sons were Harav Dov Ber of Tlust, Harav Yosef Yoske and Harav Pinchas of Shepetovka. His two younger sons passed away during their father’s lifetime.

The sons-in-law of Reb Yehudah Meir were Harav Yosef Katzenellenbogen of Ostilla; Harav Chaim Hager of Kossov, the forebearer of the Vizhnitz dynasty; Harav Aryeh Leib Wertheim of Bandry; and Harav Michel of Kashivka.

Reb Yehudah Meir was niftar on Shabbos, 29 Nisan, Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5589/1829, at the age of 69.

May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Yehudah Meir Shapiro of Shepetovka, zt”l  protect us all, Amen.

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