
Abba Shaul

Rabbi Abba Shaul was a third generation Tana that is mentioned in the Mishna

Born: Unknown
Died: marked in Birya, Zefat, Israel, unknown

Rabbi Abba Shaul was a third generation Tana that is mentioned in the Mishna. He was born before the destruction of the 2nd Temple and gave over many testimonies about what he saw there. In his youth Aba Shaul studied under Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai but not long enough to be considered a student. He used to work as a gravedigger and related a few experience's from his career. An ancient but mistaken tradition places the Kever of Abba Shaul and his wife in a Biriya cave. This however was rebuffed by the holy Arizal who revealed through his Ruach Hakodesh that this kever belongs to a different Tzadik who he did not name.

Although the holy Arizal already said Abba Shaul and his wife are not buried in the cave attributed to them in Biriya, since he did not reveal the name of the Tzadik who is buried there, people continue to refer to the location as the 'Cave of Abba Shaul'. 

 Hillula of Abba Shaul

Members of the local community in Biriya decided to create a Hillula for Abba Shaul on the 29th of Nissan.

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  • Soul Elevations

    • Jesus Maria Valencia Tapiero ben Jesus Devia
    • שיינה מינדל בת ר' יחיאל הלל
    • רבי יחיאל הלל בן רבי יעקב
    • Yitzchok ben Shlomo
  • Healing

    • Yanon ben Hagit
    • Leticia bat Estela
    • Moshe Naftali ben Avraham
    • Baruch ben Patricia Ruth
    • Levi ben Nechama
    • Adiel ben Michal
    • Carol Chanah Dinah bat Fortuna Mazal
    • Tomer ben Keren
    • Dvir ben Yael
    • Rosa Magda bat Rosa
    • Eitan ben Sheli
    • Roi ben Roit
    • Liam ben Serah
    • Amir ben Michal
    • Luiz ben Maria
    • Noah ben Serah
    • Joel ben Midge
    • Itzhak ben Sarah
    • ייטב לב בן וורד
  • Success in life

    • Moshe Daniel Yitro ben Pedro Shaul
    • Yaakov Bourla ben Itzhak
    • Yaakov ben Itzhak
    • Daniel ben Shimon
    • Luiz ben Lino
    • Daniel ben Moshe
    • Alexandra bat Adrian
    • Alberto ben Alberto
    • Rachel leah bat Abraham
    • Dania Nechama bat David Levi
    • Ingrid bat Horst
    • Sarah bat Primo
    • Luis Felipe ben Guadalupe Argimiro
Light a virtual Candle

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