
Rabbi Yechezkel Taub, from Kuzimer

The 6th Admor of Kuzmir

Born: 1787 Plonsk, Poland
Died: Kuzmir, Poland, 1856

The Modzitz Hassidic dynasty started with Rebbe Yechezkel Taub of Kuzmir, (1755-1856), who established yeshivas and a type of Hasidic teaching that was similar to that of his rebbes, the Seer of Lublin and the Kozhnitser Magid, and distinct from the Hasidism of Kotzk.

The Modzitzer dynasty has its roots in Kuzmir and Zvolin. Reb Yechezkal of Kuzmir had at least one new niggun composed weekly for his shabbos table.

His son, the Zvoliner Rebbe, Reb Shmuel Eliyahu, was known as a musical wonder. When he davened for the amud in his father's beis midrash people were known to have said that they now experienced the meaning of "ve'chol ha'am ro'im es hakolos" "and the entire nation SAW the voices (a verse from the giving of the Torah)." Reb Shmuel's attitude toward negina was that the singer was standing in the Beis Hamikdash (the Holy Temple), and the Leviim were accompanying him.

His second son was Reb Yisroel, who began the dynasty of Modzitz.

Upon the death of Rebbe Yechezkel Taub of Kuzmir in 1856, his son, Rebbe Shmuel Eliyahu Taub of Zvolin, Poland, succeeded him. He excelled in Torah scholarship and creating Hasidic songs. He was called Menagen mafli pla'os Hebrew for "[a] wondrous musical talent". When he died in 1888, his first son Rabbi Moshe Aharon (1837 - March 17, 1918) succeeded him as Rebbe of Zvolin, while his second son, Rebbe Yisrael, went on to found the actual Modzitz Chasidic dynasty.

May the merit of the tzadik  Rabbi Yechezkel Taub, from Kuzimer protect us all. Amen

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