
Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinovitch

Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinovitch (1798 - 25 Iyar 1862) was the father of the Porisov dynasty, the son of the "holy Jew" of Peshischa

Born: Poland, 1798
Died: Porisow, Poland, 1862

Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinovitch was the son of Rabbi Ya'akov Yitzchak Rabinowitz and Sheindel Freida, daughter of Rabbi Gedalia of Apta.

As a child, he fell ill and was on the verge of death. According to the family, his father entrusted all his property to the poor, saying that performing a mitzvah above nature is a virtue for salvation above nature, and the healthy child. The Chassidim hanged his patients with the strictness of the Seer of Lublin over his father. As a child he was sent to study with the Maggid of Koznitz. He also went to Sherf of Strelisk and Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. After his marriage he served as rabbi of Zlihov, but left because of a dispute between Hasidim and opponents of the town. He served as rabbi of the town of Shantia, near Porisow, and in 1852 he became rabbi of Porisov, where he served as Rabbi and Admor for 10 years until his death. He was buried in the Strabola cemetery on the outskirts of Porisow. His grave and tent were reconstructed in 5755

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinovitch protect us all. Amen

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