
Rabbi Yonah Moshe Navon

Rabbi Yonah Moshe Navon ( died in Jerusalem on the day 16 of Tevet) was an Israeli rabbi who served in the first position of Zion in the mid-19th century.

Born: Jerusalem
Died: Jerusalem Israel, 1840

Rabbi Yonah Moshe Navon ( died in Jerusalem on the day 16 of Tevet) was an Israeli rabbi who served in the first position of Zion in the mid-19th century.

Born in Jerusalem to Rabbi Benjamin Navon author of the book twice. Was the grandson of Rabbi Yona Navon. Attended Beit Yaakov Pirira's Beit Midrash, a yeshiva attended by many Jerusalem scholars. There was a Shadar to North Africa along with Rabbi Yona Saadia Navon. When he returned in 1837 he was appointed Rishon LeZion.

He helped to redeem the "Horbat R. Yehuda Hasid" from the Arabs and to establish the "Menachem Zion" synagogue.

Buried on the Mount of Olives. (Har Hazitim In Jerusalem)

may the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Yonah Moshe Navon protect us all. Amen

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