
Rabbi Avraham ben David

Talmudist and Kabbalist.

Born: Spain,, 1119
Died: Spain or France, 1198,

Talmudist and Kabbalist.                                                                    

R' Avraham lived at the time of Rabeinu Tam, and he is mentioned a few times in the Tosafot. He reached high levels of Ru'ach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration) and had the merit of having Eliyahu HaNavie (Elijah the Prophet) appear to him, as claimed by Rabbi Chaim Vital in his introduction to Etz HaChaim, which was passed on to him by The Ari HaKadosh. The Ari also declared that R' Avraham's knowledge of Kabbalah was authentic.

Rabbi Avraham wrote commentaries on the Rambam, the Rif, and a few tractates of the Talmud.

His son was the tzaddik Rabbi Yitzchak Sagi Nahor, about whom it was said that Eliyahu HaNavie visited too and had the power to know the soul root of the people standing next to him, their previous reincarnations, who will live and who shall die, and his prayers were as powerful as the prayers of the Tanna Rabbi Chaninah ben Dosa.

May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Avraham ben David (RAVAD II)   protect us all, Amen.

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    • Dania Nechama bat David Levi
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    • Moshe Daniel Yitro ben Pedro Shaul
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