
Rabbi Moshe ben Tov

Rabbi Moshe Ben Tov (1930 - July 16, 2010) was the head of the "Dor Va Dor Institutions". He was called "Roeh Mezuzot (the mezuzah seeker)" because of the power attributed to him to see through the mezuzah the past and condition of man.

Born: Borzazat- central Morocco 1930
Died: Jerusalem, Israel, 2010

Rabbi Moshe Ben Tov (1930 - July 16, 2010) was the head of the "Dor Va Dor Institutions". He was called "Roeh Mezuzot (the mezuzah seeker)" because of the power attributed to him to see through the mezuzah the past and condition of man.


Rabbi Moshe Ben Tov was born in Borzazat- central Morocco to Masoud and Leito. His name was given to him following a dream of his mother in which Rabbi David and Moshe were revealed to her who informed her that she was about to give birth to a son and asked her to name him after him.

When he was about 5 years old, his family moved to Casablanca, where he studied in Talmud Torah and in the Otzar HaTorah yeshiva. His father was a grain trader and is considered a wealthy man who employed hundreds of wholesale packaging workers. From the age of about 18, he began to assist him in his work.

At a young age he began examining mezuzahs, an activity that became a major occupation in his life.


In the 1960s, he assisted in the Betar movement in bringing Jews from Morocco to Israel. In Elul 5767 (1956), several months after his marriage to Rosa, he immigrated to Israel via France. He lived in Kiryat Shmona and Safed, and then moved to Be'er Sheva, where he had 8 children, where he lived for about thirty years. 
He Worked to strengthen the religion in the place and get closer to Baba Sally.


In 1986 he moved to Jerusalem, and lived near a synagogue he founded. to make a living, He sold jewelry and at the same time began to receive crowds in his store and provided blessings and reading mezuzahs. Later he closed his shop . Assisted in the establishment of synagogues in the Shmuel Hanavi and Ramat Shlomo neighborhoods of Jerusalem, organized evening yeshivas and Torah activities for youth from Morocco, and organized the opening of a Shabbat-observant taxi rank. He also founded the "Chesdei Dor VeDor" association, which helps the needy, orphans and widows, and provides guidance to family purity instructors.
He died on the 5th of Av (2010) and was buried on Har Hamenuho

From Dor Va Dor Institutions :

After the departure of the righteous Rabbi and Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe ben Tov, his wonderful life is being revealed more and more. Full of wonders and wonders filled with grace and love of Israel.

By reading the Mezuzah, Rabbi Moshe Ztk”l assisted and advised all those who approached him, He brought salvation, brought healing to the sick and the needy, commanded infertility and made peace between man and wife and between man and his fellow.To the rabbi came from all corners of the nation, religious and non-religious, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, important people and the people of Israel, all of whom found the rabbi as an address for blessing, salvation, and success.

Rabbi Moshe ben Tov was born in 1930 in the city of Warzajat in Morocco, which is in the Atlas Mountains. His name was given to him because of a dream dreamed by his mother peace be upon her, where the righteous Rabbi David Moshe ztk”l, who was a scholar in miracles and passed away 850 years ago, told her that the son to be born to her would be named after him – Moshe. His parents were the gaba’im, the supporters, and the holders, of Rabbi David and Moshe grave, who was in the village of Aguim and them who built the synagogue on the site of his grave.

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Moshe Ben Tov protect us all. Amen

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