
Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah Schneersohn

Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah Schneersohn (1842-1924) was the fourth and last rebbe of Kopust, a branch of the Chabad Hasidic movement

Born: Lyubavichi, 1842
Died: Russian Empire , 1923

Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah Schneersohn was born in 1842 in the town of Lubavitch in Russia. He was the third son of the Rebbe of Kapost, Yehuda Leib Schneerson. He studied with his grandfather Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Htzemach Tzedek), with his father, and with his brother Shlomo Zalman Schneerson. He married Rebbetzin Esther Liba - his cousin Rabbi Yisrael Noach Maniezin.


Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah Schneersohn (1842-1924) was the fourth and last rebbe of Kopust, a branch of the Chabad Hasidic movement. Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah succeeded his brother, Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneersohn as 4th leader of the group for a period of time after Rabbi Shalom Dovber died. Other sources claim Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah succeeded his brother, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Schneersohn as leader of the group in the year 1900 after Rabbi Shlomo Zalman died. Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah served as the Kopuster movement's rebbe in the town of Babruysk. He was rav of the chasidim in Babruysk from 1872, and founded a yeshiva there in 1901. He authored a two-volume work on Hasidism, titled "Shemen LaMaor" ("Light for the Luminary").

In his last years, with the increasing pressure of the new Russian government, the Rashan weakened and on the 15th of Tevet in the year 1933 he died.

May the merit of the tzadik Rabbi Shmaryahu Noah Schneersohn protect us all. Amen

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