
Rabbi Rafael of Bershadi

Rabbi Rafael of Bershadi (Hebrew רְפָאֵל מִבֶּרְשִׁיד; Refael of Bershadi, Rafael Bershad; 1751 - January 14, 1827, Tarashcha) is a Hasidic tzaddik famous for his extreme modesty and absolute honesty

Born: 1751 Russia
Died: Russia, 1826

Rabbi Rafael of Bershid (Hebrew: רְפָאֵל מִבֶּרְשִׁיד; also known as Refael of Bershadi, Rafael Bershad; 1751 - January 14, 1827, Tarashcha) is a renowned Hasidic tzaddik, celebrated for his profound modesty and unwavering honesty. Within the Hasidic tradition, he occupies a highly esteemed position. Owing to the rabbi's distinguished reputation, it even enhanced the stature of all the inhabitants of the town, with Bershadi's brides and grooms in Jewish families being preferred as exceptionally pious. His most eminent student was Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. He is credited as the founder of the "Bershad" Hasidim, which persisted until the late 19th century.

Born in 1751 to Rabbi Ya'akov Yakil and Feigel Berchter, he was orphaned at the tender age of 15. To support himself, he taught in his hometown of Rashid. As he grew older, he was assisted by a teacher (Melamed) to travel to Berdychov to study at a yeshiva. After a few years, he married the daughter of his mentor. Following his marriage, he and one of his friends went to Koritz, where he became a distinguished disciple of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz, alongside his friend Rabbi Benjamin Zeev of Balta.

Following the death of Rabbi Pinchas, he respectfully declined to assume the position of Rebbe. Instead, he sought the wisdom of the righteous men of his generation, including Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf of Zytomir and Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. He passed away in Tarashcha on the 17th of Tevet, according to the Hebrew calendar, and was laid to rest there.

His disciples highlighted the exceptional levels of truthfulness and humility he embodied. His teachings include profound proverbs such as: "Your soul should depart before a lie leaves your mouth"; "Just as one desires in life, so should one desire to remain humble."

Significantly valuing the commandment of wearing tzitzit where he lived, a Tzitzit and Talit manufacturing center was established, which swiftly became a prominent production hub for Talit and Tzitzit throughout Ukraine.

May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Rafael of Bershid protect us all. Amen.

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