
Simha Bunem Mordechai Alter,

Simcha Bunim Alter (Hebrew: שמחה בונים אלתר; April 6, 1898 – August 6, 1992), also known as the Lev Simcha (לב שמחה), after the works he authored, was the sixth Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger, a position he held from 1977 until his passing.

Born: April 6, 1898 Góra Kalwaria
Died: Jerusalem, Israel, 1992

Simcha Bunim Alter (Hebrew: שמחה בונים אלתר; April 6, 1898 – August 6, 1992), also known as the Lev Simcha (לב שמחה), after the works he authored, was the sixth Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger, a position he held from 1977 until his passing. 

In 1980, he instituted Yerushalmi Yomi, the daily learning of a page of the Jerusalem Talmud, similar to the renowned Daf Yomi for the Babylonian Talmud.

He died of unknown causes on July 7, 1992 (7th of Tammuz 5752), and was interred in the cave of the Gerrer Rebbes in the Mount of Olives cemetery.

Rabbi Simha Bunem Mordechai Alter, , born Gora Kalwaria Poland 1897, leader Gur Hasidic dynasty 1977-92, married Ita Alter (one son, one daughter), died Jerusalem 8 July 1992.

RABBI Simha Bunem Alter was for 15 years head of the Gur dynasty, the most numerous dynasty in the Hasidic world.


Children    Chaya Ruda Yehudis Alter
Rivka Feyga Alter
Yaakov Aryeh Alter
Avraham Mordechai Alter (father)
Chaya Ruda Yehudis Czarna (mother)


May the merit of the tzadik Simha Bunem Mordechai Alter, protect us all. Amen

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