
Rabbi Ezra

Teacher of the Ramban in Kabbalah.

Born: Spain, 1100's
Died: , 1200's

Tosafist and Kabbalist. Teacher of the Ramban in Kabbalah. 

Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Nachmanides), known as the RAMBAN (1194-1270), was a famous tzaddik from Spain. The RAMBAN introduced Kabbalah into his commentary on the Bible, which, as a result, became very popular in the Jewish world. His mentors in Kabbalah were Rabbi Ezra and Rabbi Ezriel, both of Gerona.

Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the ARI, notes that the Ramban's knowledge of Kabbalah is authentic.

Rabbi Ezra and Rabbi Ezriel learned Kabbalah from Rabbi Yitzchak Sagi Nahor, son of the Ravad II . 

May the merit of the tzaddik Rabbi Ezra   protect us all, Amen.

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