
Rabbi Raphael Binyamin Levine

Menahel ruchani,  and dayan in the beis din tzeddek of the Ashkenaz-Perushim

Born: 1925
Died: 2002, 2002

Rabbi Raphael Binyamin Levine, son of Rav Aryeh Levine. Rav Refael studied in the Eitz Chaim Talmud Torah, and was very close to its rosh yeshiva, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer. He continued his studies in the Chevron yeshiva in Yerushalayim and the Lomza yeshiva in Petach Tikvah, where he studied bechavrusa with Rav Reuven Katz, the rov of Petach Tikva. He married Channah Liba, daughter of Rav Chaim Shraga Feivel Frank, the rav of the Yemin Moshe neighborhood in Yerushalayim. After his marriage, he continued his studies in the Mirrer yeshiva under Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel. When the Beis Aryeh yeshiva opened, Rav Refael’s father, Rav Aryeh Levine asked him to serve as its menahel ruchani, a position he occupied until his final day. He was also a dayan in the beis din tzeddek of the Ashkenaz-Perushim community founded by Rav Shmuel Salant

May the merit of the Tzadik Rabbi Raphael Binyamin Levine protect us all. Amen

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    • Jesus Maria Valencia Tapiero ben Jesus Devia
    • רבי יחיאל הלל בן רבי יעקב
    • שיינה מינדל בת ר' יחיאל הלל
    • Yitzchok ben Shlomo
  • Healing

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    • Liam ben Serah
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    • Eitan ben Sheli
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    • Noah ben Serah
    • Leticia bat Estela
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    • Roi ben Roit
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    • Rosa Magda bat Rosa
    • Joel ben Midge
    • Tatyana bat Tamila
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    • Levi ben Nechama
    • Amir ben Michal
    • Luiz ben Maria
    • Yanon ben Hagit
  • Success in life

    • Alberto ben Alberto
    • Luiz ben Lino
    • Dania Nechama bat David Levi
    • Ingrid bat Horst
    • Sarah bat Primo
    • Moshe Daniel Yitro ben Pedro Shaul
    • Alexandra bat Adrian
    • Rachel leah bat Abraham
    • Luis Felipe ben Guadalupe Argimiro
    • Yaakov Bourla ben Itzhak
    • Daniel ben Shimon
    • Yaakov ben Itzhak
    • Daniel ben Moshe
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