
Rabbi Nissim Yagen

Rabbi Nissim Yagen dedicated himself totally, heart and soul, and lectured unceasingly, in order to awaken the Jewish People and bring them closer to their father in heaven.

Born: Jerusalem, Israel 1941
Died: Jerusalem, Israel, 2000

Rabbi Nissim Yagen dedicated himself totally, heart and soul, and lectured unceasingly, in order to awaken the Jewish People and bring them closer to their father in heaven.

A staff of scholars led by Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Meir Yagen, collected many of the choicest gems from these lectures [on tape] to create this book: Netivei Ohr. Its inspiring lessons span the range of Torah topics: they deal with the perfection of charachter, philosophy of life, and fear of heaven.

(find his book at:

When Rabbi Nissim Yagen become 24, he wanted to return home. Rebbi Shneur tried to convince him to stay "Why go back to Israel?" he asked him, "Stay here in America and you'll become one of the next Gedoli Hador

Rabbi Rabbi Nissim Yagen went back to Israel, and strat, right away, his work connecting Jews closer to father in Heaven, started with his own family  enrolling  his  brothers and sisters in first-rate yeshivas .

His love for Torah makes him  traveling (although he didn't like to travel) the world to find support for  Kehilas Yaakov kollel. 

The kollel was for baalei teshuva but later he tooks in avreichim from yeshivos mentioned that when he thought of the students who were studying in his kollel , he didn't care how many months he had to be abroad.

Rabbi Nissim's  love for every Jew was well known.His many acts of chesed were accomplished with subtle finesse. The help he provide  both the physical and spiritual. Hundreds of people said, "He made us feel like we were the one and only he took care of." 

May the merit of Rabbi Nissim Yagen protect us all. Amen

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