
Rabbi Meir of Premishlan I

He was one of the first students of the Baal Shem Tov and the granfather of the famous Rabbi Meir of Premishlan II.

Born:  1703
Died: Ukraine, 1773

Rabbi Meir of Premischlan was one of the first students of the Baal Shem Tov. In his youth he worked in arbitration and was very liked by Jews and non Jews alike for his total honesty. He later left his occupation in order to devote more time for Torah study. 

   Rabbi Meir had a righteous son, Rabbi Aharon Arye who was the father of Rabbi Meir of Premishlan II, who became even more famous than his grandfather.

May the merit of the tzaddik  Rabbi Meir of Premishlan I protect us all, Amen.


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