
Zevulun ben Yaacov Avinu

Zevulun was the Son of Jacob the Patriarch and Leah the Matriarch. He is one of the 12 Tribes.

Born: Aram Naharayim,, 1560 b.c.e.
Died: Egypt, 1450 b.c.e.

Zevulun was the Son of Jacob the Patriarch and Leah the Matriarch. He is one of the 12 Tribes.

Zevulun was born on the 7th of  Tishrei and died on the same day at the age of 110 (Yalkut Shimoni, Shemot 162).

Zevulun complained against [God] concerining his portion. "Master of the Universe," he said, "to my brothers You gave fields and vineyards, but to me You gave mountains and hills; to my brothers You gave lands, but to me You gave seas and rivers." [God] replied, "They will all need your chilazon [a sea animal used for dyeing techeilet (bleu)]." Asked [Zevulun], "Master of the Universe, who can ensure that I will be paid for this service?" [God] replied, "Whoever takes [the chilazon] from you without paying will not succeed in his endeavor" (Megillah 6a)  

Zevulun engaged in trade and supported Issachar, who studied Torah (Bereishit Rabbah 99:9).

Zevulun was buried in Sidon (Lebanon) (Sefer HaYashar, end of Yehoshua).

May the merit of the tzaddik  Zevulun ben Yaacov Avinu  protect us all, Amen.

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