
Rabbi Leib (Sarah's) Ben-Sara

Rabbi Leib Sarah's (Aryeh Leib the son of Sarah) (1730–1796) was a Hasidic Rabbi, great scholar who demanded Torah words and and a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.

Born: Rivne, Ukraine, 1730
Died: Yaltushkov, Ukraine, 1791

Rabbi Leib (Sarah's) Ben-Sara was born in the 18th of Tammuz to Sarah, and to Joseph who was a descendant of the Maharal dynasty from Prague, near the city of Rabna, where the Maggid of Mezrich was active. In the history of the Hasidic movement, only a few rabbis were named after their mother. According to the Hasidic legend, the source of Rabbi Leib's name was in his mother's deed: "Sarah, the daughter of Moks, the mother of Rabbi Leib, had a beautiful title and desired the son of Fritz. So that she did not remain vacant, Sarah hastened to marry Rabbi Yosef, who was already present, and was a teacher of the Sons. For this she won the newborn "

In his youth, Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, who testified to him, said: "Rabbi Leib tortures Shabbat not because he wants to fast, but because of his adherence to the Creator he forgets to eat." By virtue of his proximity to Rovna, the city of the Maggid of Mezrich, he was the originator of the Maggid's home and his associates.

Not much is known about Rabbi Leib Ben-Sara's childhood. There is evidence of the existence of a brother named Mordechai, but the Hasidic tradition does not include a biographical account of other siblings. About Sarah the mother, whom the Hasidic legend extends in her descriptions of righteousness and beauty, is told that in her widow's years she devoted all her powers and skills in raising her sons with devotion.

Two events apart from Rabbi Leib's childhood and youth are reserved. The first mention is the departure of his father Rabbi Yosef and his choice to name his toddler son to be called his mother. The second story relates to Rabbi Leib's year of entering the mitzvah. According to legend, his soul was 'du Parcufin', since being a bar mitzvah received from the Maggid from Mezrich also the soul of Rabbi Chaim Ben-Atar, the "Light of Life", who was revered for the Hasidim.

The next two milestones in the documented life of Rabbi Leib Hatzair involve the tremendous tract of his relationship with Rabbi Yisrael Beit Shemesh. First, there is an unusual event that took place between the Beit Shemesh and its readers. In the communions, astonishment was felt in light of the intense exodus of the boy's life, and in light of the surprising bailout of the Baal Shem Tov for him: "When he was ten years old, the young babe suddenly entered the bail room, bouncing and dancing. The Ba'as students resented the boy's insolence and were about to be expelled, but the Ba'as knew the root of his great soul, soothed the surge and turmoil caused by his fierce student and addressed the boy: "You are fierce and daring. I know you are doing but serious dangers are lurking on your way. You are on the point of a sword. Hold me tight and aim your way. " Ever since Rabbi Leib clung to the SSS and the faithful emissary had been silent on all matters and tasks, and all the actions and deeds that had to be done in secret. Inwardly, the network has its place in the livelihood of the hidden righteous in its generation.

The outward beauty of Rabbi Leib Ben-Sara and his physical strength are a significant element in his portrayal of his character. "With good fortune, Rabbi Leib came into the world, and his supremacy was always bestowed with a beautiful eye and wide hand," wrote writer Eliezer Steinman. "He himself had the degree of heroism, because a hero was in his body, literally. An act that his disciple Rabbi Yitzchak Malevov wanted to take and shake his box to serve as his rabbi, and could not lift it because of gravity. Rabbi Leib told him:" Heroes of strength do his words "(Psalms) KG, KG), that in order to be the Almighty's deeds must be a hero in power ... Indeed, Rabbi Leib was a strong, handsome hero in stature, and beautiful in appearance. And when you find its beauty and heroism, you find that its carved soul from the Hall of Beauty and Bravery was close to the world of melody. "

It is known that Rabbi Leib was a great scholar and demanded Torah words with Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon of Shifitovka - the scholar of Hasidism. In his old age, he was assisted by Rabbi Azriel of Polotsk, one of the important Hasidic propagandists and one of the great students of the Maggid, who accompanied him on his travels. Rabbi Leib Ben-Sarah is among the hidden righteous in the history of Hasidism. He spent all his days in cities and towns, visiting fairs and other places, and was commanding. In particular, he devoted his forces to the commandment of redeeming captives and saving the haunted from their oppressors. Rabbi Leib became known for his struggles against the land of Jewish ladies from home. He did not shy away from their power and fearlessly confronted the torture and plunder that was part of the people's door from their people. This is probably where his fame comes from among the common people. His character has been the subject of dozens of devotee stories.

According to legend, a passenger in the "leap" also went to Vienna and tried with the rabbi of the kingdom for the Jews. The Hasidism saw Emperor Joseph II, Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a bitter and dangerous enemy of Judaism, and the Hasidic legend made Rabbi Leib Ben-Sara stand up to the Peretz and avenge his dishwasher and riots. It is narrated that Rabbi Leib entered "Seeing and Invisible" into the Emperor's Palace, and endeavored to influence him to abolish the Law of Education for the Children of Israel from the year 1781. Their departure from the world over a period of about a year (1790–1791).

Hasidic scholar Yitzchak Alfasi defines Rabbi Leib Sarah's as "the most picturesque legendary figure in the Hasidic world"; "A figure that is all mystery and wonders...... Ten of a fairy tale cabal has taken nine of them." Many legends accompany him from his birthday to his passing. According to the Hasidic legend all his life, he would spend time in cities and towns or visit fairs and other places and practice various commandments. Especially a lot to deal with the redemption of prisoners and the assistance of Jews persecuted by others. Unlike other Baal Shem Tov students from Mezrich, he did not serve as a rabbi or a ruler, but continued the tradition of the first generation Hasidic righteous, who would roam the roads and towns, strengthening the Jews they met and bringing them closer to faith and observance.

Many Hasidic stories were circulated about him, many of which were published in the book "Aryan Heroism". One of the wonderful stories is about the phrase "You open the heart of Leib Ben-Sara to study Torah" mentioned in the book Raziel the Angel, which was first printed in the year of the Thirties, thirty years before his birth. The Chassidim attributed this prayer to Rabbi Leib Sarah's

Maggid's letter of recommendation from Mezrich can be found on his personality and actions. The letter was first printed at the end of the book "Derechi Yesharim" a few years after Rabbi Leib Sarah's passing.

Darkey Yesharim

His passing and his grave

Rabbi Leib Sarah died on March 4, 1791, in the village of Yaltushkov, Podolia. According to the customary tradition [he demanded a source], he sought to be buried without special honors and even refused to erect a tent on his grave. His grave is a modest tent as he witnessed the exterior appearance of the tomb in 1913 as "a small wooden, covered with a straw roof like a dome. In 1991, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Rabbi Leib Sirkis of New York renewed the score tent on the grave in Yaltushkov.

His children

Rabbi Leib Ben-Sarah moved away from publicity and publicity, abstained with piety from his actions and remarks, and avoided the establishment of a private Hasidic court. His few remarks and his collection of fairy tales were published in Late Hasidic literature (in the second half of the 19th century). In the written sources, the family he founded in Rovno is hardly documented, and most Hasidic scholars did not even know of its existence. Only in the late 20th century, first research publications appeared on the descendants of Rabbi Leib, based on family traditions and the documentation of tombstones in Eastern European cemeteries. The scholars of Rabbi Leib Ben-Sarah's history include Rabbi Asher Aharon Krishevsky, Dr. Nir Man, the tombstones of Eric Dotan and Rabbi Yehuda Zaibler. L (Rabbi Leib's son). According to tradition in the Tver-Brimt family, Rabbi Leib has at least one daughter, whose name is unknown and has had many descendants of her own.

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