Daily Zohar 1437

Daily Zohar 1437

Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1437
Hebrew translation:

14. אָמַר לוֹ, אֲנִי רוֹאֶה בְּךָ שֶׁאַתָּה חָכָם בַּתּוֹרָה. תִּפַּח רוּחוֹ שֶׁל אוֹתוֹ הָאִישׁ. אִלּוּ אָמַר הַכָּתוּב שְׂפַת אֱמֶת כּוֹנַנְתָּ לָעַד – הָיָה כְּמוֹ שֶׁאַמַרְנוּ. אֲבָל לֹא כָתוּב אֶלָּא תִּכּוֹן, עֲתִידָה שְׂפַת אֱמֶת שֶׁתִּכּוֹן מַה שֶּׁאֵין כָּךְ עַכְשָׁו, שֶׁעַכְשָׂו שְׂפַת שֶׁקֶר עוֹמֶדֶת, וּשְׂפַת אֱמֶת שׁוֹכֶבֶת לֶעָפָר, וּבְאוֹתוֹ זְמַן שֶׁל אֱמֶת תַּעֲמֹד עַל קִיּוּמָהּ וּמִתּוֹךְ אֶרֶץ תִּצְמַח, אָז שְׂפַת אֱמֶת תִּכּוֹן לָעַד וְגוֹ’.
15. אָמַר לוֹ אוֹתוֹ הֶגְמוֹן, אַשְׁרֶיךָ, וְאַשְׁרֵי הָעָם שֶׁיּוֹרְשִׁים תּוֹרַת אֱמֶת! אַחַר יָמִים שָׁמַעְתִּי שֶׁהִתְגַּיֵּר. הָלְכוּ, הִגִּיעוּ לְשָׂדֶה אַחַת וְהִתְפַּלְלוּ תְפִלָּתָם. כֵּיוָן שֶׁהִתְפַּלְלוּ תְפִלָּתָם, אָמְרוּ, מִכָּאן וָהָלְאָה נִתְחַבֵּר בַּשְּׁכִינָה, וְנֵלֵךְ וְנִתְעַסֵּק בַּתּוֹרָה.
16. פָּתַח רַבִּי יוֹסֵי וְאָמַר, (ישעיה מא) הֵן יֵבֹשׁוּ וְיִכָּלְמוּ כֹּל הַנֶּחֱרִים בָּךְ וְגוֹ’. עָתִיד הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא לַעֲשׂוֹת לְיִשְׂרָאֵל כָּל אוֹתָן טוֹבוֹת שֶׁאָמַר עַל יְדֵי נְבִיאֵי הָאֱמֶת, וְיִשְׂרָאֵל סָבְלוּ עֲלֵיהֶם כַּמָּה רָעוֹת בְּגָלוּתָם. וְאִלְמָלֵא כָּל אוֹתָן טוֹבוֹת שֶׁמְּחַכִּים וְרוֹאִים שֶׁכְּתוּבִים בַּתּוֹרָה, לֹא הָיוּ יְכוֹלִים לַעֲמֹד וְלִסְבֹּל אֶת הַגָּלוּת.
17. אֲבָל הוֹלְכִים לְבֵית מִדְרָשׁוֹת, פּוֹתְחִים סְפָרִים, וְרוֹאִים כָּל אוֹתָן טוֹבוֹת שֶׁמְּחַכִּים, וְרוֹאִים שֶׁכְּתוּבִים בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁהִבְטִיחַ לָהֶם הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא עֲלֵיהֶם, וּמִתְנַחֲמִים בְּגָלוּתָם, וּשְׁאָר הָעַמִּים מְחָרְפִים וּמְגַדְּפִים אוֹתָם וְאוֹמְרִים: אַיֵּה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם? אַיֵּה אוֹתָן טוֹבוֹת שֶׁאַתֶּם אוֹמְרִים שֶׁמְּעֻתָּדוֹת לָכֶם, וְכִי כָּל עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ יִתְבַּיְּשׁוּ מִכֶּם?

Zohar Ki Tisa

One important aspect of the sin of the Golden Calf is the education system. I watched Sir Ken Robinson, creativity expert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySvbePkjEJo) talking about the education system. He said that the system is linear and modeled after the interests and needs of industrialists. With the industrial growth in the 19th century there was a great demand for engineers and professional people to support the new developed economy.

Our schools are still on the same path even though the world is changing. A college degree is no longer good to guarantee for a good job as it used to. Today only advanced degrees and good connections give you a chance for a job with adequate salary. It is all about getting a better pay.

The system drives parents to push their children on the ‘money making’ path. They want them to have a better future and a good piece of the Golden Calf. The system makes us forget about the God-given gift of the child. And the path of money blinds us from seeing the beauty that could come into the world if we were to let the children express the light they have inside.

We get a glimpse into such beauty through autistic children. We are not able to communicate with them and force their brain into the wrong path. Their inner light is expressed in their art, music, math, memory, interaction with computers and a lot more.
Schools force parents with regulations, and many of them force the parents to work with the child on different projects so they can progress faster on the path to… the Golden Calf. It’s all business, not much time left to spend quality time with the child.
Quality time is studying together until they go to sleep. Not much time to hug and love the child. A yearly family vacation of a week or two in an exotic place doesn’t really satisfy anyone but the consciousness of the parents.

I heard from a parent that his kindergarten child told at school that his father touched his butt while playing together. The father was called to school for investigation on proper behavior with his own child. The current school policies and regulations kill the structure and natural family bond with such stupidity and politically correct rules. Another friend’s daughter played with her father’s pocket Swiss army knife (folded) and innocently put it in her school bag. At school it was detected while inside the bag and the father was called immediately. The child’s record was marked as if she was carrying a dangerous tool. The child is a good student in a good school that doesn’t have any violence. The girl never had issues but the school had no tolerance policy and the father couldn’t make the system remove the record. Crazy…

We are all slaves to the Golden Calf and we don’t really see it. Most people are ‘stuck’ and unhappy in jobs that give them sustenance. They know that if they let go of the job, they will be on the street after a few months.

The inner light of people is swallowed by the system that the Pharaohs imposed on us. Most schools don’t teach art or music because it is not ‘productive’ or beneficial to the child. The Golden Calf rules the world and we need to wait for Moses to come down and burn it (Exodus 32:30 < http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0232.htm#20 >).

To break out of this slavery we cannot change the school system or governments because they are already sold to the gold. The solution is to bring more light to the world because it is the only thing that can push away all kind of darkness.

Put some effort to improve the future of our children and the entire world. Use the Zohar and the tools of the Daily Zohar projects to reveal light in the world.

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