Daily Zohar – Tikunim – # 870 – You can’t even imagine it.
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Hebrew translation:
Tikkun 69 – 110
(Continue from previous Daily Zohars)
The Zohar takes us into the world of “Adam Kadmon” with this section. It is the highest world that was formed after the first Tzimtzum and it created all the worlds below it. (See ‘Tree of Life’ on top menu)
Adam Kadmon (Literally means Primordial Man but it doesn’t connect to anything in the physical level) is called so because it has the shape of man but it is all spiritual. It is considered as the Endless for the worlds below. Its light is one and inclusive of all the vessels that exist. Adam Kadmon was the first to have Ten Sefirot and all the worlds below, Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiah benefit from him.
The Zohar explains that the world of Adam Kadmon couldn’t have been the lights and the origin of Adam’s thoughts of the sin. If it was so, then no separation of ‘darkness’ could have been created between Adam and the world of Atzilut.
From the aspect of the Tetragramaton, Adam Kadmon is hinted with the upper tip (Kotz, Thorn) of the letter Yod of the name.
Because the purity of the light that comes from Adam Kadmon is so high, it is above all the vessels that exist. Like the soul level of Neshamah for the body that is too high to be visible.
The light that can be ‘measured’ in this world begins with the Cantillation sounds/tones of the Torah and they represent the aspect of Keter. Followed by the Nikkud (Chokah) that gives vibrations to the individual letters. Next level is the Tagin of the letters (Zeir Anpin), which are the special marks above the letters. They are divided into three groups. The last revelation of light in the Torah is the letters (Malchut).
Since the light that comes to Adam Kadmon, which is the cause of everything, has no letter or marks to represent it in this world, then we cannot imagine it or even study it.
The Zohar can take us up to the top of the letter Yod of the name, while most spiritual studies can reach only the lower H of Malchut and may be some aspects of the letter Vav.