
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -4408

Hebrew translation:

133. רָחֵל הוֹלִידָה שְׁנֵי צַדִּיקִים, וְכָךְ רָאוּי, הִנֵּה שְׁמִטָּה, שֶׁבֵּין שְׁנֵי צַדִּיקִים יוֹשֶׁבֶת לְעוֹלָמִים, שֶׁכָּתוּב צַדִּיקִים יִירְשׁוּ אָרֶץ. צַדִּיק לְמַעְלָה וְצַדִּיק לְמַטָּה. הַצַּדִּיק לְמַעְלָה, מִמֶּנּוּ שׁוֹפְעִים מַיִם עֶלְיוֹנִים. הַצַּדִּיק לְמַטָּה, מִמֶּנּוּ נוֹבַעַת הַנְּקֵבָה מַיִם לַזָּכָר בִּתְשׁוּקָה שְׁלֵמָה. צַדִּיק מִצַּד זֶה, וְצַדִּיק מִצַּד זֶה. כְּמוֹ שֶׁהַזָּכָר לְמַעְלָה יוֹשֵׁב בֵּין שְׁתֵּי נְקֵבוֹת, כָּךְ גַּם הַנְּקֵבָה לְמַטָּה יוֹשֶׁבֶת בֵּין שְׁנֵי צַדִּיקִים.
134. וְעַל כֵּן יוֹסֵף וּבִנְיָמִין הֵם שְׁנֵי צַדִּיקִים. יוֹסֵף זָכָה לִהְיוֹת צַדִּיק לְמַעְלָה, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁשָּׁמַר אֶת הַבְּרִית, וּבִנְיָמִין הוּא צַדִּיק לְמַטָּה, לְעַטֵּר אֶת הַשְּׁמִטָּה בֵּין שְׁנֵי צַדִּיקִים – יוֹסֵף הַצַּדִּיק וּבִנְיָמִין הַצַּדִּיק.


Zohar Vayetze
Continued from previous DZ
Rachel bore two righteous sons, and this is fitting. The Shmita (sabbatical), which sits between two righteous ones forever, as it is written,
Psalm 37:29
“צַדִּיקִים יִירְשׁוּ אָרֶץ וְיִשְׁכְּנוּ לָעַד עָלֶיהָ.”
“The righteous shall inherit the land And dwell in it forever.”
A righteous one above in Zeir Anpin and a righteous one below in the Nukva. The righteous one above, from whom upper waters flow. The righteous one below, from whom the female derives waters for the male with complete desire—a righteous one on this side and a righteous one on that side. Just as the male above sits between two females, so too does the female below sit between two righteous ones.

Rachel bore two righteous sons. And this is appropriate, for Rachel is the secret of Shmita (sabbatical), perpetually situated between two righteous ones. As it is written,
Psalm 37:29
“צַדִּיקִים יִירְשׁוּ אָרֶץ וְיִשְׁכְּנוּ לָעַד עָלֶיהָ.”
“The righteous shall inherit the land And dwell in it forever.”
The two are the righteous above in Zeir Anpin and the righteous below in Nukva. The righteous above, from whom upper waters are drawn, represent the direct Light (אור ישר) descending from above to below. The righteous below, from whom the female derives waters for the male, representing the returning Light (אור חוזר) ascending from below to above, with complete desire. Thus, she has a righteous one on each side; just as the upper male, Zeir Anpin, sits between two females, which are Binah and Nukva, so too the lower female, that is, the Nukva that is on the lower part of Zeir Anpin, sits between two righteous ones, who are Joseph and Benjamin.

The flow of Light from one level to the below level requires a male above and a female below it. For the continuous process of channeling the Light from above to below, there are Male-Female-M-F-M-F-…..
The first injection of Light is from the Endless Keter to Chokmah, which is male and needs a female to channel the Light. Binah receives this Light and transfers it to the tzadik below, Zeir Anpin, who continues to fulfill the desire to receive the Nukva, Malchut. Then, the process continues to the level below, making Malchut of the upper level as Keter for the level below it, and so on.
Tzadikim with their desire for the Light activate the desire in Malchut and draw Light to the lower levels.

Joseph and Benjamin are two Tzadikim. Joseph merited to be the Tzadik above, in Zeir Anpin, because he preserved the covenant of sexual purity. Benjamin is the Tzadik below in the Nukva itself, as mentioned in the next paragraph, so that the Shmita, which is the Nukva, be between two Tzadikim, Joseph the righteous and Benjamin the righteous.
