Daily Zohar # 4756 – Shemot – The Tzadik has perished
Daily Zohar 4756

Hebrew translation:
147. וְאָז הָיָה פֵּרוּד בְּהֵ”א, בַּיִת שֵׁנִי, וְהִיא בְּגָלוּת אֱדוֹם, בְּכָל אוֹתָם תְּרֵיסַר שְׁבָטִים (שֶׁלָּהּ) וּמַחֲנוֹת שֶׁלָּהֶם, שְׁנֵים עָשָׂר שְׁבָטִים עוֹלִים לְחֶשְׁבּוֹן גָּדוֹל, וְעַל שֶׁסּוֹד (וְעַל זֶה סוֹד) שֶׁל ה’ הָיָה בָהֶם בְּכָל אוֹתוֹ (וְעַל זֶה סוֹד שֶׁל ה’ בְּכָל אוֹתוֹ) חֶשְׁבּוֹן, (חֹשֶׁךְ) נִמְשְׁכָה הַגָּלוּת.
Zohar Shemot
Continued from previous DZ
Therefore, the lower H ה’, which is the Second Temple, was destroyed. All the twelve tribes associated with her, corresponding to the camps of Israel, which are the twelve tribes of יה YH, are now in exile under the dominion of the kingdom of Edom. The upper spring, which is the V ו’ of YHVH (Zeir Anpin), withdrew from that spring that influences it, which is the Yessod of Zeir Anpin, as it is written: “הַצַּדִּיק אָבָד” “The Tzadik has perished” (Isaiah 57:1)—referring to Yessod—that lost the flow from the supreme source that used to descend and draw from above.
At that time, there was a separation in the H ה’, which represents the Second Temple, as it was separated from the V ו’ of YHVH, which symbolizes Zeir Anpin. The H ה’ entered exile in Edom, along with all the twelve tribes and their camps of Israel. The twelve tribes amount to a great number, as will be explained ahead. And because the secret of the H ה’ was within all this multitude (Darkness), the exile extended for a prolonged period of time.
The exile of the Shechinah and Israel in Edom, symbolized by the separation of H ה’ from V ו,’ reflects the spiritual disconnection caused by the destruction of the Second Temple and the ongoing consequences for the collective soul of Israel.