Daily Zohar # 4686 – Beresheet – Good intention with undesired outcome
Daily Zohar 4686

Hebrew translation:
222. וְאוֹת ו’ יָרְדָה עִמּוֹ כְּדֵי שֶׁלֹּא יֹאבַד בֵּינֵיהֶם, שֶׁעָתִיד הוּא בְּסוֹד הַגִּלְגּוּל לְהִתְעָרֵב בֵּינֵיהֶם בַּגָּלוּת בֵּין עֵרֶב רַב, שֶׁהֵם נִשְׁמוֹתֵיהֶם מִצַּד אֵלֶּה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר בָּהֶם (ישעיה נא) כִּי שָׁמַיִם כֶּעָשָׁן נִמְלָחוּ וְגוֹ’. וְאֵלֶּה אוֹתָם שֶׁלֹּא בִקֵּשׁ נֹחַ רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, וְנֶאֱמַר בָּהֶם וַיִּמָּחוּ מִן הָאָרֶץ, בִּגְלַל שֶׁהָיוּ מֵאֵלֶּה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר בָּהֶם (דברים כה) תִּמְחֶה אֶת זֵכֶר עֲמָלֵק. וּמֹשֶׁה לֹא נִשְׁמַר מֵהֶם, וְהִפִּיל ה’ בֵּינֵיהֶם, וְלָכֵן הוּא לֹא יִכָּנֵס לְאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל עַד שֶׁתָּשׁוּב ה’ לִמְקוֹמָהּ. וְלָכֵן יָרַד הוּא מִדַּרְגָּתוֹ, וְיָרַד בּוֹ ו’. וְלָכֵן ה’ נָפְלָה, ו’ יָקִים אוֹתָהּ, ו’ שֶׁל מֹשֶׁה.
Zohar Beresheet
Continued from previous DZ
And Moses, because he wanted to bring converts under the wings of the Shechinah, thought that they were also drawn from Malchut, which is sweetened by the attribute of mercy, represented by the small Hei mentioned above. So, he drew down for them the Mochin associated with the small Hei of Abraham. But the converts caused a spiritual decline for him, as it is written: “לֶךְ רֵד כִּי שִׁחֵת עַמְּךָ” “Go down, for your people have corrupted themselves” (Exodus 32:7). That is, the converts caused Israel to sin with the Golden Calf, and because of this, the Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Moses, “Go down,” for they did not receive the Mochin of the small Hei with the proper awe of the Yud of the Name YHVH, nor with the love of the Hei of the Name. Thus, Moses descended from his spiritual level, corresponding to the Vav of the Name YHVH.
The explanation is that Moses represents the Vav of the Name YHVH, which is the “husband” of Malchut. Moses raised the small Hei (representing Malchut) to the level of Binah, which is the first Hei of the Name YHVH, and the Vav was elevated to the level of Chokhmah, which is the Yud of the Name.
At that time, Moses drew down the Mochin of Yud, which represents awe יִרְאָה, and the Mochin of Hei, which represents אַהֲבָה love, to the lower Hei of the Name YHVH, which stands and clothes the first Hei of the Name.
However, the converts (Erev Rav), since their source is from Malchut of the attribute of strict judgment (Din) that is not sweetened by Binah, could not receive the Mochin of the lower Hei when it is elevated to the place of Yud Hei (of YHVH), which represents יִרְאָה awe and אַהֲבָה love. Instead, they drew Malchut back down to its lower state, and the attribute of strict judgment within it was revealed, causing all the lights to depart from it. For Malchut is not fit to receive the higher lights unless it is clothed within the level of Binah.
The Zohar reveals the deep spiritual consequences of Moses’ attempt to integrate converts (Erev Rav) into the covenant. While Moses sought to elevate them and provide them with the Chokmah and Binah symbolized by the letters of the Name YHVH, their failure to fully embrace this Mochin led to the sin of the Golden Calf and Moses’ spiritual descent. The text emphasizes the interconnectedness of the Holy Name YHVH, the spiritual levels of awe and love, and the roles played by Moses and Israel in maintaining this balance.
The Zohar explains that the converts (Erev Rav), due to their origin in Malchut of strict judgment, could not receive and sustain the elevated spiritual energy that comes from Binah and the higher level of יִרְאָה awe and אַהֲבָה love. Their failure to maintain this elevated state led to a spiritual descent, where the strict judgment of Malchut was revealed, and the Light departed. The text highlights that Malchut is only fit to receive the higher Light when it is dressed within Binah, representing the integration of mercy and Binah.
The Vav of the Name YHVH descended with Moses to protect him so he would not be lost among them. This is because, according to the secret of reincarnation, Moses is destined to become intertwined with the Erev Rav. Their souls are from those about whom it is said, “כִּי שָׁמַיִם כֶּעָשָׁן נִמְלָחוּ” “For the heavens shall vanish like smoke” (Isaiah 51:6). These are the ones for whom Noah did not ask for mercy. It was said about them, “וַיִּמָּחוּ מִן הָאָרֶץ” “They were wiped out from the earth” (Genesis 7:23). They are from those of whom it is said, “תִּמְחֶה אֶת זֵכֶר עֲמָלֵק” “Blot out the memory of Amalek” (Deuteronomy 25:19), and Moses did not guard himself from them. Thus, the small Hei was cast among them, as mentioned earlier.
Because of this, Moses was not allowed to enter the Land of Israel until the Hei was returned to its place. This is why Moses descended from his spiritual level, and the Vav of the Name YHVH descended with him. The Hei fell, and the Vav (Moses) will raise it up—that is, the Vav of Moses will restore the fallen Hei.
Moses’ spiritual descent is tied to his involvement with the Erev Rav. The Vav of YHVH, representing Moses, descends with him to protect him and ensure that he will eventually fulfill his mission of raising the fallen Hei (Malchut) back to its place. Moses’ inability to enter the Land of Israel is linked to this unfinished spiritual task, and his ultimate mission is to restore the unification of the Vav (male) and the Hei (female) aspects of the Name YHVH.