Why do we bless each other with “Pitka Tava” (“Good note”) from Yom Kippur to Hoshanah Rabbah.
Hoshanah Rabbah is a day of spiritual significance because it marks the final sealing of the heavenly decrees decided during the High Holidays. However, there remains an opportunity to change one’s fate through Teshuva and spiritual elevation, even on this day. The “Pitka (plural Pitka’ot)” or heavenly notes being sent to angels for execution implies that the judgment process is ongoing and dynamic until Shemini Atzeret concludes.
Thus, it is a critical time for final efforts to affect the outcome of divine judgment, making Hoshanah Rabbah and the days up to Shemini Atzeret a period of intense spiritual work. The overarching message is one of hope and the continuing potential for change, even after Yom Kippur, until the final sealing of the decree.
Although the decrees are being written on Hoshanah Rabbah, the messengers have not yet been sent to execute them. This means that even up to this point, a person still has the opportunity to repent and improve their decree. Hence, it is an important time for introspection, prayer, and repentance. This idea is derived from the Zoharף
“On the seventh day of Hoshanah Rabbah, the notes (of judgment) are sent down, and the decrees are sealed from the upper court and delivered into the hands of the emissaries of the heavenly court.

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