Topic: Crash course on the Tree of Life and the Ten Sefirot
Time in the USA: Thursday, Feb 17th, 2022, 9:30 PM, New York Time (EST, GMT -5).
The meeting would be open about 15 minutes before the scheduled time. The study would start on time. You are welcome to join early and submit your questions via Zoom chat.
Videos of recent studies are available for DZ Members here:
Please check your local time or compare it to the real-time countdown timer above!
Join Zoom Meeting. It is free to join. Everyone is invited!You are welcome to share the link on your social networks as you wish. **
** You may keep this link for future studies.
Meeting ID: 364 389 0176Passcode: 726345
*** The meeting would be recorded and available the next day on the site for DZ Gold and Crown members.
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Meeting ID: 837 9052 1511
Passcode: 726345
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