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Author: Zion Nefesh

Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein

Today is the death anniversary of the great Kabbalist, Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein. He was the main student of Rabbi Ashlag that translated the Zohar to Hebrew with added commentary Rabbi Ashlag completed the five books of the...

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Song of the Sea – Transliterated text

Below are links and transliterated text for the Song of the Sea that is recited and sang on the night of the Seventh day of Pesach by a body of water. See special PDF with text and explanation:

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Chag Pesach Sameach

Chag Sameach to all the friends of the Daily Zohar around the world. I was too busy to write something about Pesach this year but most of you received good information from your community or other websites. For people that do...

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The Rashash prayer for Arvit of Pesach

The PDF link below contains the highest possible meditation for the prayer of the evening of Pesach that is done before the Seder. It was prepared from the meditation of the Rashash, a Kabbalist that his soul was connected to the Holy Ari and expanded on his teaching.

The PDF is all in Hebrew full of YHVH names in many levels.
There can never be a translation for such meditation. You can skip it or just open it to look into the spiritual worlds that is revealed at the first night of Pesach. Some of you may experience physical effect while scanning the meditation.

Chag Sameach

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Today’s Hebrew date

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Even in a concealment within a concealment, he is there
