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Author: Zion Nefesh

Electronic scanning vs. book scanning

Comments and question from a friend of the Daily Zohar. I posted it on the site with her permission together with my answer.
I invite to read and share your experience in relation to this issue.
This is her comments. click on the title to visit the site and read the answer.
My name is Phyllis and I love your DailyZohar messages; it makes it easy for me to scan everyday with my busy schedule.
However, I am curious and wanted to put this question out there for your observation and possible later comment.
When I first received my personal Zohar book set I would try and scan them daily.  After the first week one of my co-workers asked me, “What are you doing, your face is glowing?”   Now, I almost never scan from the books, only scanning from your Daily Zohar messages when I perform my morning prayers.
I know there are countless reasons why my face should glow or not glow and it cannot be proven to be the Zohar scanning.
It just seems that after a week for someone to come and say that to me was usual and my first thought was the Zohar.
I am wondering if there is a difference between electronic scanning vs. book scanning.  If it is so important for the (is it Rabbis who draw them for mezuzah or torah, I’m not of the Jewish faith) forming of the letters to be perfect for their power to be correct, to be revealed, then is the fact that electronic writing is just dots, pixels, a problem?  The actual lines are not connecting lines?  Do you know what I mean?
Do you scan both print and electronic?  Maybe some of us should test to see if we can discern the difference.   No matter what, the Daily Zohar is wonderful and the commentary well worth reading.  I admit I do not understand all of it, but in time I hope too.
I did not post this publicly because I did not want to influence peoples’ use of your daily message.
Read the answer on the site.

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