

Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1584


Hebrew translation:

8. בֹּא וּרְאֵה, בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁאָדָם קָם בַּחֲצוֹת הַלַּיְלָה מִמִּטָּתוֹ לְהִשְׁתַּדֵּל בַּתּוֹרָה, הַכָּרוֹז קוֹרֵא עָלָיו וְאוֹמֵר: (תהלים קלד) הִנֵּה בָּרְכוּ אֶת ה’ כָּל עַבְדֵי ה’ הָעֹמְדִים בְּבֵית ה’ בַּלֵּילוֹת. עַכְשָׁו כְּשֶׁהוּא עוֹמֵד בִּתְפִלָּה לִפְנֵי רִבּוֹנוֹ, אוֹתוֹ כָּרוֹז קוֹרֵא עָלָיו וְאוֹמֵר: וְנָתַתִּי לְךָ מַהְלְכִים בֵּין הָעֹמְדִים הָאֵלֶּה.
9. אַחַר שֶׁמְּסַיֵּם תְּפִלָּה בְרָצוֹן (וְעוֹמֵד בְּעֵצָה) לִפְנֵי רִבּוֹנוֹ, הֲרֵי פֵּרְשׁוּהָ שֶׁצָּרִיךְ לִמְסֹר נַפְשׁוֹ בִּרְצוֹן הַלֵּב לְאוֹתוֹ מָקוֹם שֶׁצָּרִיךְ. וְכַמָּה עֵצוֹת יֵשׁ לָאָדָם בַּכֹּל. וּבְשָׁעָה שֶׁהַתְּפִלָּה קַיֶּמֶת (הִסְתַּיְּמָה), כָּל אוֹתָם דִּבּוּרִים שֶׁמּוֹצִיא אָדָם מִפִּיו בְּאוֹתָהּ תְּפִלָּה, כֻּלָּם עוֹלִים לְמַעְלָה וּבוֹקְעִים אֲוִירִים וּרְקִיעִים, עַד שֶׁמַּגִּיעִים לְאוֹתוֹ מָקוֹם שֶׁמַּגִּיעִים, וּמִתְעַטְּרִים בְּרֹאשׁ הַמֶּלֶךְ וְעוֹשִׂים מֵהֶם עֲטָרָה. וַהֲרֵי פֵּרְשׁוּהָ הַחֲבֵרִים, תְּפִלָּה שֶׁצָּרִיךְ לַקָּדוֹשׁ-בָּרוּךְ- הוּא, לְכַוֵּן שֶׁתִּהְיֶה תְפִלַּת תַּחֲנוּנִים. מִנַּיִן לָנוּ? מִמֹּשֶׁה, שֶׁכָּתוּב וָאֶתְחַנַּן אֶל ה’. זוֹהִי תְפִלָּה מְעֻלָּה.


The Zohar explains that when a person wakes up from his bed at midnight to study the Torah, he is announced with the words of the verse from Psalms 134:1
“הִנֵּה בָּרְכוּ אֶת-יְהוָה, כָּל-עַבְדֵי יְהוָה–
הָעֹמְדִים בְּבֵית-יְהוָה, בַּלֵּילוֹת”
“Come, bless YHVH, all you servants of YHVH, who stand by night in the house of YHVH!”

How and why we can achieve the state of “Stand in the house of YHVH” when we wake up and study after midnight?
After midnight the power of the darkness at night begins to phase out, and the Light begins to ascend on the world. When we start using the Zohar to study the Torah, we create vessels of Light and they increase its revelation in our lives and the entire world.
Making spiritual connection when the Light of Chessed begins to appear in the world is as if we were standing with our vessel to receive the rising Light.

Deuteronomy 3:23
“ וָאֶתְחַנַּן, אֶל-יְהוָה, בָּעֵת הַהִוא, לֵאמֹר”
“And I pleaded with YHVH at that time, saying”
The Zohar tells us that the words of our prayers should be emotional so it will ascend and received in the higher heavens.

If it’s possible for you, go to sleep before midnight, set your alarm for any time before dawn and study Zohar as much as you can. 18 minutes or more would be great for you. Before the study, wash your hands, recite the 18 morning blessings followed by Elijah opened and Zohar. Then you can go back to sleep.

If you wake up an hour before first light then study until you see the first light (When the black of the sky turns blueish). It is good to start your working day early because the light of Chassadim is strong and can support the activities of your days.

The link below is to a pdf that you can print for yourself (free to distribute). It has the meditation of morning hand washing and the 18 blessings. There is a little English explanation and I hope to find time and expand the explanation and transliterate it all.

More about Jewish prayers:
This link is good and general description of the Jewish Prayers. It doesn’t give Kabbalistic explanations but it’s a good base to start.

You can find a lot of prayer information on Chabad.org. Some of the explanations also include the kabbalitic aspect.
