Daily Zohar # 4059 – Balak – Protection from spells
Daily Zohar 4059

Hebrew translation:
483. בֹּא וּרְאֵה, רָשָׁע זֶה כְּשֶׁהִסְתַּכֵּל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל, הָיָה מִסְתַּכֵּל בִּשְׁתֵּי דְרָגוֹת אֵלּוּ – יַעֲקֹב וְיִשְׂרָאֵל – לְהָרַע לָהֶם, אוֹ בָזֶה אוֹ בָזֶה בִּכְשָׁפָיו. בִּגְלַל כָּךְ כָּל בְּרָכוֹת וּבְרָכוֹת, יַעֲקֹב וְיִשְׂרָאֵל הִתְבָּרְכוּ. וַיַּרְא בִּלְעָם כִּי טוֹב וְגוֹ’. בַּמָּה רָאָה? רָאָה שֶׁבְּשָׁעָה שֶׁפְּנֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ מְאִירוֹת, מִינִים רָעִים לֹא עוֹמְדִים בְּקִיּוּמָם, וְכָל הַכְּשָׁפִים וְכָל הַקְּסָמִים לֹא עוֹלִים בְּכִשְׁפֵיהֶם.
Zohar Balak
Continued from previous DZ
Paragraph #482, explained in the previous DZ
When the evil Balaam looked at Israel, he would look at the levels of Jacob and Israel to harm them with his spells. Because of this, Jacob and Israel received blessings. Balaam saw that while the king’s face was shining, the evil forces could not exist, and all the sorcerers and all the magics were useless in their spells.
Darkness cannot exists in the presence of Light. The Light of the Shechina protected Israel, and Balaam’s spells had no impact on them.
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