Daily Zohar – Tikunim – #42 – 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=1
There are 12 variation of the Holy name יהוה that control the 12 constellations and the 12 month. Each month has its own type of energy. That what makes us different from each other. If you were born in the sun and moon of Av אב (about last week of July to last week of August) then you are different from one that was born in the sun and moon of the following month.
The soul comes from the same root of the יהוה and that’s what makes us connected as one and responsible to each other.
מקור הקטע: הקדמת תיקוני הזוהר עם פרוש מעלות הסולם (רבי יהודה צבי ברנדויין זל) פסקה 204