Daily Zohar # 4576 – Naso – Thirteen + nine = 22 Holy letters
Daily Zohar 4576

Hebrew translation:
163. וְלָמַדְנוּ, כְּשֶׁהָיְתָה צְנִיעוּת בָּעוֹלָם, הָיָה מִתְגַּלֶּה שֵׁם זֶה לַכֹּל. מִשֶּׁרָבְתָה הַחֻצְפָּה בָּעוֹלָם, נִסְתַּר בְּאוֹתִיּוֹתָיו. שֶׁכְּשֶׁהָיָה מִתְגַּלֶּה, הַכֹּהֵן הָיָה מְכַוֵּן, וְהַשֵּׁם מִתְפָּרֵשׁ. בַּמֶּה מְכַוֵּן? מְכַוֵּן בַּנִּסְתָּר שֶׁטָּמִיר וְגָנוּז, וּמִתְגַּלֶּה וּמִתְפָּרֵשׁ. מִשֶּׁהִתְרַבְּתָה הַחֻצְפָּה בָּעוֹלָם, נִסְתַּר הַכֹּל בְּאוֹתִיּוֹת רְשׁוּמוֹת.
164. וּבֹא רְאֵה שֶׁכָּל אֵלּוּ עֶשְׂרִים וּשְׁתַּיִם אוֹתִיּוֹת (רַחֲמִים) (שֶׁכָּל אֵלּוּ עֶשְׂרִים וּשְׁתַּיִם מִדּוֹת הָרַחֲמִים), מֹשֶׁה אָמַר אוֹתָן בִּשְׁתֵּי פְעָמִים. פַּעַם רִאשׁוֹנָה אָמַר שְׁלֹשׁ עֶשְׂרֵה מִדּוֹת שֶׁל עַתִּיק הָעַתִּיקִים, נִסְתַּר הַכֹּל, לְהוֹרִיד אֵלֶּה לְמָקוֹם שֶׁנִּמְצָא הַדִּין, לִכְפּוֹתָם. פַּעַם שְׁנִיָּה אָמַר תֵּשַׁע מִדּוֹת רַחֲמִים שֶׁכְּלוּלִים בַּזְּעֵיר אַנְפִּין, וּמְאִירִים מֵהָעַתִּיק נִסְתַּר הַכֹּל. וְכֻלָּם כּוֹלֵל הַכֹּהֵן כְּשֶׁפּוֹרֵשׂ יָדָיו לְבָרֵךְ אֶת הָעָם, וְנִמְצָאִים שֶׁמִּתְבָּרְכִים כָּל (הָעֶלְיוֹנִים) הָעוֹלָמוֹת בְּצַד הָרַחֲמִים שֶׁנִּמְשָׁכִים מֵהָעַתִּיק הַטָּמִיר, נִסְתַּר הַכֹּל. וְכָל הָעֶשְׂרִים וּשְׁתַּיִם אוֹתִיּוֹת הַלָּלוּ מִדּוֹת נִסְתָּרוֹת.
Zohar Naso
Continued from previous DZ
Because here, the priest has to bring the holy Name and draw Mercy, All of which are included in the 22 letters of the crowns of Mercy that is the secret of 22 letters, אנקתם פסתם פספסים דיונסים, which is brought in the blessing of priests. And with these letters of this Name are sealed 22 attributes of Mercy, which are the 13 of the Dikna of Atika, which is hidden and concealed from all, and the nine connections of the Dikna that Zeir Anpin reveals. Together, they are 22, and all 22 attributes of Mercy come together with one Name that the priest meditates on when he raises his hands, that is, in the Name of 22 אנקתם פסתם פספסים דיונסים.
We have learned that when there was modesty in the world, the Name composed of twenty-two letters (אנקתם פסתם פספסים דיונסים) was revealed to all. However, as impudence increased in the world, it was concealed within its letters. When the Name was revealed, the priest would meditate, and the forces of the Name would unfold and become manifest. What did he meditate on? He meditated on the Light concealed in the letters, and the Name would reveal itself and manifest. As insolences (הַחֻצְפָּה, Hutzpa) increased in the world, everything was hidden within the written letters, namely, the twenty-two letters.
Come and see, all these twenty-two attributes of Mercy were said by Moses twice. The first time, he declared the thirteen attributes of the Atika Kadisha, the most concealed of all, which is Arich Anpin, to bring them down to where judgment exists, which is Zeir Anpin, to subdue the decisions. These are the thirteen attributes of mercy stated in the portion of Ki Tisa: “יְהוָה | יְהוָה 1. אֵל 2. רַחוּם 3. וְחַנּוּן 4. אֶרֶךְ 5. אַפַּיִם 6. וְרַב חֶסֶד 7. וֶאֱמֶת 8. נֹצֵר חֶסֶד 9. לָאֲלָפִים 10. נֹשֵׂא עָוֹן 11. וָפֶשַׁע 12. וְחַטָּאָה 13. וְנַקֵּה” (Exodus 34:6-7) ““YHVH, YHVH, God, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in faithfulness and truth keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty”
The second time, he declared the nine attributes of Mercy included in Zeir Anpin, which illuminate from Atika, the concealed of all. These are the ones mentioned in the portion of Shelach:
Numbers 14:18
“יְהוָה אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם וְרַב חֶסֶד נֹשֵׂא עָוֹן וָפָשַׁע וְנַקֵּה לֹא יְנַקֶּה פֹּקֵד עֲוֹן אָבוֹת עַל בָּנִים עַל שִׁלֵּשִׁים וְעַל רִבֵּעִים.”
“YHVH is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.’”
All of them encompass the priest when he raises his hands to bless the people, and it is found that all the worlds are blessed from the side of Mercy that is drawn from Atika, the hidden and concealed. And all these twenty-two letters, from the Name that emanates from the Priestly Blessing, encapsulate these attributes. They are the concealed attributes of Mercy, as mentioned.
This Zohar explains the profound connection between the attributes of Mercy, the roles of Arich Anpin and Zeir Anpin, and the Priestly Blessing. Moses invokes these attributes to intervene on behalf of the people, aligning the flow of the Light of Mercy to temper Hashem’s judgment. The priestly meditation during the blessing further draws and manifests this Mercy. The twenty-two letters represent these attributes, linking the Torah scripture to the Light of Mercy, illustrating a deep integration of text, ritual, and the emanation of Light from the highest levels.