Daily Zohar # 4764 – Vaera – His love makes the morning stars sing
Daily Zohar 4764

Hebrew translation:
160. וּכְשֶׁבָּא הַבֹּקֶר, כָּל הָעֶלְיוֹנִים וְהַתַּחְתּוֹנִים אוֹמְרִים שִׁירָה, וְיִשְׂרָאֵל כְּמוֹ כֵן לְמַטָּה, שֶׁכָּתוּב (ישעיה סב) הַמַּזְכִּירִים אֶת ה’ אַל דֳּמִי לָכֶם. אַל דֳּמִי לָכֶם לְמַטָּה דַּוְקָא [בַּלַּיְלָה].
Zohar Vaera
Continued from previous DZ
Come and see, when the King, who is Zeir Anpin, approaches His bed, which is Malchut, at the moment when the night is split, the northern wind arises. This wind, representing the left line, Gevurah, stirs love toward the Matronita (Lady, Matron), that is, Malchut. For without the awakening from the north, the King would not connect with her. This is because love begins from the north, as it is written: “שְׂמֹאלוֹ תַּחַת לְרֹאשִׁי” “His left hand is under my head” (Songs 2:6).
Then the south, representing the right line (Chessed), embraces with love, as it is written: “וִימִינוֹ תְּחַבְּקֵנִי” “And His right hand embraces me” (ibid.). At that time, many jesters (spiritual forces of joy) awaken songs of praise until the morning comes, as it is written: “בְּרָן יַחַד כּוֹכְבֵי בֹקֶר וַיָּרִיעוּ כָּל בְּנֵי אֱלֹהִים” “When the morning stars sang together” (Job 38:7).
The holy union of Zeir Anpin and Malchut is initiated by the left line (north) and completed by the right line (south). This interplay of Chessed and Gevurah brings about harmony and joy, symbolized by songs and praise that lead to the morning’s illumination.
When the morning comes, all the upper and lower sing songs of praise. For during the night, only the angels associated with the left line sing, but in the morning, everyone sings—this includes those connected to the right line. This is because, in the morning, all the lines are unified under the dominance of the right line (Chessed). In a similar manner, the people of Israel below also sing songs of praise, as it is written: “הַמַּזְכִּירִים אֶת ה’ אַל דֳּמִי לָכֶם” “You who mention Hashem, take no rest” (Isaiah 62:6). The phrase “אַל דֳּמִי לָכֶם” “take no rest” specifically refers to those below, meaning the people of Israel.
In the morning, the unity of all lines under the right (Chessed) creates a state where both upper and lower levels sing in harmony, reflecting the integration and balance of the Light force that is revealed in the world. Israel below mirrors this heavenly alignment by continuously praising Hashem.