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Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -765
Hebrew translation:

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וְהָאָדָם יָדַע וְכוּ’, קָם זָקֵן פָּתַח וְאָמַר: רַבִּי רַבִּי, וְעַד כָּאן לֹא הָיָה אָדָם יוֹדֵעַ אֶת אִשְׁתּוֹ? אֶלָּא בִזְמַן שֶׁחָטָא הִסְתַּלְּקָה הַשְּׁכִינָה מִמְּקוֹמוֹ, וְכָךְ פֵּרְשׁוּהוּ בַּעֲלֵי הַמִּשְׁנָה, שֶׁבִּזְמַן שֶׁאֵין שְׁכִינָה בִמְקוֹמָהּ, אָסוּר בְּתַשְׁמִישׁ הַמִּטָּה, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁעָלֶיהָ נֶאֱמַר וַיִּשְׁתַּחוּ יִשְׂרָאֵל עַל רֹאשׁ הַמִּטָּה, וּמֵאֵיזֶה מָקוֹם הִסְתַּלְּקָה? מִיָּמִין וּשְׂמֹאל שֶׁשָּׁם הָיְתָה, וְזֶהוּ סוֹד הָעִבּוּר (ס”א וַיַּעֲבוֹ”ר) ע”ב רי”ו, חֶסֶד וּגְבוּרָה, וְלֹא לְחִנָּם פֵּרְשׁוּהוּ בַּעֲלֵי הַמִּשְׁנָה הַנּוֹתֵן מִטָּתוֹ בֵּין צָפוֹן לְדָרוֹם יִהְיוּ לוֹ בָּנִים זְכָרִים, וְהוּא גָרַם שֶׁתִּסְתַּלֵּק אוֹתָהּ מִטָּה מִשָּׁם, כָּךְ הוּא מִסְתַּלֵּק מִתַּשְׁמִישׁ הַמִּטָּה, וְאַחַר שֶׁקִּבֵּל עָנְשׁוֹ, חוֹזֶרֶת הַמִּטָּה לִמְקוֹמָהּ. בְּאוֹתוֹ זְמַן, וְהָאָדָם יָדַע אֶת חַוָּה אִשְׁתּוֹ.

וְעוֹד וְהָאָדָם יָדַע אֶת חַוָּה אִשְׁתּוֹ, יֵשׁ יְדִיעָה לְטוֹב וְיֵשׁ יְדִיעָה לְרַע, כְּמוֹ וַיֵּדְעוּ כִּי עֵירֻמִּם הֵם, וּכְמוֹ וְאַתְּ עֵרוֹם וְעֶרְיָה, עֵרוֹם מִתּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב, וְעֶרְיָה מִתּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה.


Tikkun 69 – 5

Knowledge (Da’at, דעת) is the result of the unification between right and left Chokmah, father and Binah, Mother.

The Zohar teaches us that there is ‘Knowledge’ of the Good side and there’s Knowledge of the Bad side that we can see in Genesis 3:7 “וַיֵּדְעוּ, כִּי עֵירֻמִּם הֵם” , “And they knew that they were naked ”.

The sin caused the Shechinah, which is the supernal Mother to leave Adam and Eve. The result of that was a punishment of having to ‘bare children and earn the light’.

After this ‘correction’ they could unify in the aspect of ‘good’, Genesis 4:1
“וְהָאָדָם, יָדַע אֶת-חַוָּה אִשְׁתּוֹ”
“And the man knew Eve his wife”

The עיבור ‘Ibbur’ , meaning impregnation. It is the process of bringing light through the unification of right and left. It opens the gate of Da’at above for the light to flow down to Yessod. When the vessel is proper and ready this light manifests in the physical level, Malchut.

The Zohar reveals to us this secret from Exodus 34:4
“וַיַּעֲבֹר יְהוָה עַל-פָּנָיו, וַיִּקְרָא”
“And YHVH passed (וַיַּעֲבֹר) by before him”

The word וַיַּעֲבֹר has the same letter as עיבור, (pronounced Ibbur) ‘impregnation’. The verse follows with the thirteen attributes of GOD which is the light that is revealed to Moses on mount Sinai when he went up to bring the Torah.

The right and left in this Ibbur is concealed in the word וַיַּעֲבֹר. The letters עב numerically 72 is also חסד, Chessed, which is right column. The other three letters ריו is 216 same as גבורה, which is left column.

When our actions bring the right and left together we open channels of light that ‘impregnates’ us and help in manifesting good in our lives.
