Continued from previous posts
When we come to Rosh Hashanah services, we focus on the prayers and do not speak anything outside the words of the prayers. We follow the leader of the prayers and may only to help another person next to you to follow the prayers. We have to understand that we stand in front of the judge during this entire holiday. Any misbehavior is ‘judged’ and the consequences are registered for the coming year. Ask yourself to how would you behave when you appear in a courtroom, in front a flesh and blood judge.
Don’t be like one of those that Tikkunei Zohar (Tikkun six (old print page 22), Maalot Hasulam #34,#35 ) calls shameless and idol worshippers. The Zohar describes them as barking dogs that scream for ‘food’, forgiveness and to be inscribed for life without repentance. Before asking for our needs, we want to be pure. The proper prayers lead us to the point that we can ask for ourselves and even then our wish should not be selfish. Follow the prayers from the beginning to have merit to ask for personal wish on Rosh Hashanah.
It’s the best day for women to pray to have children.
Be happy with the opportunity to finish one year with its curses and start a new year with its blessings.
I suggest to wake up early and be one of the first in the synagogue/ place of service. Sit quietly and meditate on the good things that you plan to do in the coming year. Do not recall ‘bad’ things so you won’t remind the court of your bad deeds. We want to be judged with consideration of our good future plans. When the service starts, pray to God to bestow clarity and focus in the mind of the person that leads the prayers. If he is distracted or have corrupted consciousness, then the value of the prayers is reduced to the general consciousness of the congregation. It’s would be smart to invest in two days of spiritual efforts in order to have blessings in the next 353 days.
We dress white on Rosh Hashanah and all of our actions on this day (of 48 hours) should also be ‘white’.
Listening to ALL blowing of the Shofar is important and proper preparation is critical. Check other posts on the Daily Zohar for Shofar meditations. We do not sleep during Rosh Hashanah, especially on the first day. Staying awake keeps us away from the aspect of death that comes with sleep. We want an active year, full of life.
Hatarat Nedarim – Cancelling of the vows is very important for the personal cleansing process. It removes impurities created through unfulfilled promises of all kinds, small or big. It is usually done before Rosh Hashanah in order to be better ready for the court. If one missed it then he can still do it anytime until Yom Kippur. The Kol Nidre prayer that opens the Yom Kippur services can also be used as Hatarat Nedarim. Kol Nidrei is a cancelling of the vows for the congregation and all the children of Israel and when one listens to this prayer that is repeated three times, he can meditate to include the cancellation of his own vows.