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Author: Zion Nefesh

Brandwein's Torah Dedication

Dear friends,
I put together this video to share the festivities during the Brandweins Torah dedication.
Those who contributed toward the Torah Crown, are blessed to have a special spiritual connection with the new Torah. It was dedicated to Yeshiva Kol Yehuda in the Holy City of Jerusalem. This Yeshiva was established by Rabbi Ashlag in 1920. Some of you didn’t miss this rare opportunity and you are blessed.
As you will see in the video thousands of Torah lovers came to the event, dancing and singing. Among them was Kabbalist Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger Shlita. He was a student of Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein ZT”L and Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag ZT”L, the son of  Rabbi Ashlag ZT”L, Baal Hasulam. Rabbi Sheinberger founded and spiritually lead Ohr Haganuz, a very unique village in the north of Israel, conducting their lives according to the teachings of Rabbi Ashlag.
Tap on the title above to visit the website and watch the video

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Vaytze – Shaul Youdkevich on Daily Zohar

Dear DZ subscribers,
Recent crisis in the Kabbalah Center created a surge of new subscribers to the Daily Zohar. I welcome every new student with love and take more responsibility on myself to make the DZ site pure and offer much greater contents in addition to the regular daily studies. In the near future you will see some improvements on the site. I wish to offer and open the DZ channel for other Kabbalah teachers and add more ‘flavours’ of Zohar studies.
With cooperation and content sharing I bring this short and sweet study on Vaytze by Shaul Youdkevitch. He was one of the first teachers of the Kabbalah center, who studied directly from Rav Berg. He also was one of the first teachers to leave the KC after the Rav was no longer leading it. His website is where you can find more great content.
Other teachers of kabbalah may email me directly to zion at
I’d like to hear from you. Please feel free to post your comments and questions below.

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Even in a concealment within a concealment, he is there
