

Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1428
Hebrew translation:

7. אֲבָל יְשַׁעְיָהוּ, הַשֵּׁם גּוֹרֵם הַיְשׁוּעָה, וּלְהַחֲזִיר הָאוֹר הָעֶלְיוֹן לִמְקוֹמוֹ (יְשַׁעְיָהוּ, לְהָאִיר הָאוֹר הָעֶלְיוֹן וְלַעֲשׂוֹת יְשׁוּעָה) וְלִבְנוֹת בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ, וְכָל הַטּוֹבוֹת וְכָל הָאוֹרוֹת יַחְזְרוּ כְּבָרִאשׁוֹנָה. וְעַל זֶה שְׁמוֹתָם שֶׁל שְׁנֵי הַנְּבִיאִים הָאֵלּוּ עוֹמְדִים זֶה לְעֻמַּת זֶה, בְּסִבַּת הַשֵּׁם שֶׁגּוֹרֵם, וְצֵרוּף הָאוֹתִיּוֹת זוֹ בָּזוֹ גּוֹרְמוֹת מַעֲשֶׂה, הֵן לְטוֹב וְהֵן לְרַע. וְעַל סוֹד זֶה צֵרוּף הָאוֹתִיּוֹת שֶׁל הַשֵּׁמוֹת הַקְּדוֹשִׁים, וְכֵן הָאוֹתִיּוֹת בְּעַצְמָן גּוֹרְמוֹת לְהַרְאוֹת סוֹדוֹת עֶלְיוֹנִים כְּדֻגְמַת הַשֵּׁם הַקָּדוֹשׁ, שֶׁהָאוֹתִיּוֹת בְּעַצְמָן גּוֹרְמוֹת סוֹדוֹת עֶלְיוֹנִים קְדוֹשִׁים לְהַרְאוֹת בָּהֶם.
8. סוֹד הָרִאשׁוֹן – יוֹ”ד, נְקֻדָּה רִאשׁוֹנָה שֶׁעוֹמֶדֶת עַל תִּשְׁעָה עַמּוּדִים הַמַּעֲמִידִים אוֹתָהּ. וְהֵם עוֹמְדִים לְאַרְבַּעַת צִדְדֵי הָעוֹלָם, כְּמוֹ שֶׁהַסּוֹף שֶׁל הַמַּחֲשָׁבָה, נְקֻדָּה אַחֲרוֹנָה, עוֹמֶדֶת לְאַרְבַּעַת צִדְדֵי הָעוֹלָם. חוּץ מִזֶּה שֶׁזֶּה זָכָר, וְזוֹהִי נְקֵבָה.
9. וְזוֹ עוֹמֶדֶת בְּלִי גוּף, וְכַאֲשֶׁר עוֹמֶדֶת בַּלְּבוּשִׁים שֶׁמִּתְלַבֶּשֶׁת בָּהֶם, הִיא עוֹמֶדֶת עַל תִּשְׁעָה עַמּוּדִים, בַּסּוֹד שֶׁל הָאוֹת ם בְּלִי עִגּוּל. וְאַף עַל גַּב שֶׁאוֹת ס’ הִיא בְעִגּוּל וְעוֹמֶדֶת בְּעִגּוּל, אֲבָל בְּסוֹד שֶׁל אוֹתִיּוֹת הַחֲקוּקוֹת תּוֹךְ נְקֻדּוֹת שֶׁל אוֹרוֹת שֶׁל מַעְלָה, הֵם בְּרִבּוּעַ, וְשֶׁל מַטָּה הוּא בְעִגּוּל.

Zohar Tetzaveh
Continued from previous DZ

The sin of the Golden Calf took the higher level of life from the Torah because it destroyed the state of immortality that was embedded in the first Torah that Moses received on Mount Sinai.

If it wasn’t for Moses’s intervention we would have lost the entire Tikkun process and the opportunity to achieve immortality again in the future.

To understand the sacrifices of Moses we should know that when he went up to Mount Sinai he received 1000 lights helping him in the special connection with God to receive the Torah.

But when the people made the Golden Calf, God sent Moses ‘down’.
Exodus 32:7
“ וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה: לֶךְ-רֵד–כִּי שִׁחֵת עַמְּךָ, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלֵיתָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם”
“And YHVH spoke unto Moses: ‘Go; get down; for your people that you brought up out of the land of Egypt have dealt corruptly”

The impact of the ‘Go Down’ command was that Moses lost 999 lights out of the 1000 he received. This is explained with the small letter Alef א in the portion of Vayikra. When God called Moses to the Tabernacle, the Torah shows small Alef to represent the lower state after the sin of the Golden Calf. The name of the letter Alef אלף is 1000 but the numerical value of the letter itself is 1.

We have opportunity to connect to the 1000 lights of Moses on Shabbat when everything goes back to its roots. It happens when we recite ‘ישמח משה במתנת חלקו’ and ‘מזמור שיר ליום השבת’.
(If you participate in the Shabbat Service just for the Torah reading then you should know that the entire connection is also very important for men and women. Get there early and you’ll feel that you received much more from the Torah reading.)

The portion of Tetzaveh is always on the week of the seventh of Adar, the day Moses left the world. This is another aspect of the sacrifice that Moses did for us.

The portion after Tetzaveh is Ki Tisa and is the one where the sin of the Golden Calf is told. Some may ask the question as why Moses was removed from the earlier parasha. The sages teach us that there is no early and late in the Torah but we want to understand the reason because of the important spiritual rule attached to it.

In the world of Malchut the ‘end’ of everything already exists in full force at its beginning. Keter is the beginning, the seed and the point of origin for everything. Even though we see the action/manifestation much later we know that there was a thought process that preceded the action or the final result.

The Zohar says (Tikunei Zohar) “ראשון למחשבת ואחרון למעשה” “first is the thought and last is the action”
The sages teach “סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה” “the end action exists first in the thought”. We recite this on Friday night as part of the Lecha Dodi song.

In the Zohar section from previous DZ, the Zohar teaches us that the curse of the righteous manifests even if it’s conditional.

When a thought comes to mind and spoken out it immediately forms into a vessel. We may not be righteous as Moses or other great Kabbalists but this spiritual rule applies to all of us.
Our world is affected by everything we connect through the five senses. The strongest impact to our lives is through the use of the mouth.

The Zohar defines humans as ‘מדבר’, ‘one that speaks’ because this is where we have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). The Holy Ari teaches us that every word we say creates angels with powers to support or hurt us.

Because of that, Moses’s words had to be fulfilled. We also remember that Jacob told Laban that whoever stole his idols, will die. He didn’t know that Rachel did it to protect them from Laban. She had to die, but after delivering Benjamin, because he was not part of the curse. It doesn’t matter if Laban was negative and wanted to hurt them. The power of Jacob’s words had to be manifested.

The Zohar tells us that every verse in Tetzaveh should have had the name of Moses. We see that in God’s instruction to him “and you…shall do…”. Almost every verse carries such reference to Moses without saying his name. So even if Moses is not mentioned, the work must be done.

There are many lessons in this study but the most applicable is that we need to think through and positively before we start the process of manifestation.
Never speak negative words even if they are true to what is called reality. Always begin with the end in mind and make it positive.

[infobox clickable=”no”]This is long and very important study. It teaches us spiritual principals that if we understand and adopt them in our lives they could affect our future.
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