Daily Zohar 3516
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -3516

Hebrew translation:

106. וַיֹּאמֶר אֶת אַחַי אָנֹכִי מְבַקֵּשׁ וְגוֹ’. וַיֹּאמֶר הָאִישׁ נָסְעוּ מִזֶּה וְגוֹ’. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה פָּתַח (שיר ח) מִי יִתֶּנְךָ כְּאָח לִי יוֹנֵק שְׁדֵי אִמִּי אֶמְצָאֲךָ בַחוּץ אֶשָּׁקְךָ גַּם לֹא יָבֻזוּ לִי. אֶת הַפָּסוּק הַזֶּה בֵּאֲרוּ הַחֲבֵרִים, אֲבָל אֶת הַפָּסוּק הַזֶּה אָמְרָה כְּנֶסֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל לַמֶּלֶךְ שֶׁהַשָּׁלוֹם שֶׁלּוֹ, מִי יִתֶּנְךָ כְּאָח לִי, כְּיוֹסֵף עַל אֶחָיו, שֶׁאָמַר וְעַתָּה אַל תִּירָאוּ אָנֹכִי אֲכַלְכֵּל אֶתְכֶם וְאֶת טַפְּכֶם. נָתַן לָהֶם מָזוֹן וְזָן אוֹתָם בָּרָעָב. מִשּׁוּם כָּךְ, מִי יִתֶּנְךָ כְּאָח לִי.
107. דָּבָר אַחֵר מִי יִתֶּנְךָ כְּאָח לִי – זֶה יוֹסֵף, אֶל הַשְּׁכִינָה, שֶׁנֶּאֱחַז עִמָּהּ וְנִדְבַּק עִמָּהּ. יוֹנֵק שְׁדֵי אִמִּי – שֶׁהֲרֵי אָז אַחֲוָה וּשְׁלֵמָה עִמָּהֶם. אֶמְצָאֲךָ בַחוּץ – בְּתוֹךְ הַגָּלוּת, שֶׁהִיא בְּאֶרֶץ אַחֶרֶת. אֶשָּׁקְךָ – כְּדֵי לְהַדְבִּיק רוּחַ עִם רוּחַ. גַּם לֹא יָבֻזוּ לִי – אַף עַל גַּב שֶׁאֲנִי נִמְצֵאת בְּאֶרֶץ אַחֶרֶת
108. בֹּא רְאֵה שֶׁיּוֹסֵף, אַף עַל גַּב שֶׁאֶחָיו לֹא הָיוּ לוֹ כְּמוֹ אַחִים כְּשֶׁנָּפַל בִּידֵיהֶם, הוּא הָיָה לָהֶם כְּמוֹ אָח כְּשֶׁנָּפְלוּ בְיָדוֹ, וַהֲרֵי פֵּרְשׁוּהָ שֶׁכָּתוּב (בראשית נ) וַיְנַחֵם אוֹתָם וַיְדַבֵּר עַל לִבָּם, בַּכֹּל הוּא דִּבֵּר, עַל לִבָּם.


Zohar Vayeshev

Continued from previous DZ

Joseph answered the man that he is looking for his brothers
Genesis 37:16,17
“וַיֹּאמֶר אֶת אַחַי אָנֹכִי מְבַקֵּשׁ הַגִּידָה נָּא לִי אֵיפֹה הֵם רֹעִים.”
“וַיֹּאמֶר הָאִישׁ נָסְעוּ מִזֶּה כִּי שָׁמַעְתִּי אֹמְרִים נֵלְכָה דֹּתָיְנָה וַיֵּלֶךְ יוֹסֵף אַחַר אֶחָיו וַיִּמְצָאֵם בְּדֹתָן.”
““I’m looking for my brothers,” Joseph replied. “Do you know where they are pasturing their sheep?”
““Yes,” the man told him. “They have moved on from here, but I heard them say, ‘Let’s go on to Dothan.’” So Joseph followed his brothers to Dothan and found them there.”
Rabbi Yehuda quotes Songs 8:1
“מִי יִתֶּנְךָ כְּאָח לִי יוֹנֵק שְׁדֵי אִמִּי אֶמְצָאֲךָ בַחוּץ אֶשָּׁקְךָ גַּם לֹא יָבוּזוּ לִי.”
“Oh, I wish you were my brother, who nursed my mother’s breasts. Then I found you outside, and I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.”
He explains that this verse was said by the Shechina in Malchut to the King. She wishes to find him as Joseph was looking for his brothers.
‘I wish you were my brother’ from the verse above is like when Joseph revealed himself to the brothers and told them;
Genesis 50:21
“וְעַתָּה אַל תִּירָאוּ אָנֹכִי אֲכַלְכֵּל אֶתְכֶם וְאֶת טַפְּכֶם וַיְנַחֵם אוֹתָם וַיְדַבֵּר עַל לִבָּם.”
“Now, therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.”

Another explanation refers to ‘I wish you were my brother’ as Joseph calling the Shechina to cleave to her and suck from the breast of his mother that is the aspect of receiving the essence of the Light from Binah to Yessod to create harmony between them. ‘I found you outside’, meaning in exile in another land. ‘I would kiss you’ to connect his Light of Ruach with her Light of Ruach. ‘and no one would despise me’ even if the connection is in another land.

Even though his brothers didn’t treat him as a brother when he fell into their hands, he was like a good brother when they were under his control in Egypt. As it is written ‘And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them’.
Joseph was kind to them and opened himself to them until they believed him that he was their brother.
