Daily Zohar 4377
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -4377

Hebrew translation:

139. שֶׁכְּשֶׁאָדָם מִסְתַּלֵּק מֵהָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה וְנוֹתֵן חֶשְׁבּוֹן לְרִבּוֹנוֹ מִכָּל מַה שֶּׁעָשָׂה בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה בְּעוֹד שֶׁהוּא קַיָּם רוּחַ וְגוּף כְּאֶחָד, וְרוֹאֶה מַה שֶּׁרוֹאֶה, עַד שֶׁהוֹלֵךְ לְאוֹתוֹ עוֹלָם וּפוֹגֵשׁ בְּאָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן יוֹשֵׁב בְּשַׁעַר גַּן עֵדֶן לִרְאוֹת כָּל אוֹתָם שֶׁשָּׁמְרוּ אֶת מִצְווֹת רִבּוֹנָם וְשָׂמֵחַ בָּהֶם.
140. וְכַמָּה צַדִּיקִים סְבִיב אָדָם. אֵלּוּ שֶׁנִּמְנְעוּ מִדֶּרֶךְ הַגֵּיהִנֹּם וְסָטוּ לְדֶרֶךְ גַּן הָעֵדֶן, וְאֵלֶּה נִקְרָאִים יוֹשְׁבֵי חָדֶל. וְלֹא כָתוּב יוֹשְׁבֵי חָלֶד, כִּי אֵינָם כְּמוֹ חֻלְדָּה שֶׁגּוֹרֶרֶת וּמַנִּיחָה וְלֹא יוֹדַעַת לְמִי מַנִּיחָה, אֶלָּא יוֹשְׁבֵי חָדֶל, כְּמוֹ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (שם ב) חִדְלוּ לָכֶם מִן הָאָדָם וְגוֹ’, [אֶלָּא יוֹשְׁבֵי חָדֶל] שֶׁנִּמְנְעוּ מִדֶּרֶךְ הַגֵּיהִנֹּם, וְהֶחֱזִיקוּ בָהֶם לְהַכְנִיסָם בְּגַן עֵדֶן.
141. דָּבָר אַחֵר יוֹשְׁבֵי חָדֶל – אֵלּוּ בַּעֲלֵי תְשׁוּבָה שֶׁמָּנְעוּ עַצְמָם מֵאוֹתָם חֲטָאֵי הָרְשָׁעִים. וּמִשּׁוּם שֶׁאָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן שָׁב בִּתְשׁוּבָה לִפְנֵי רִבּוֹנוֹ, יוֹשֵׁב [עִם] עַל אוֹתָם שֶׁנִּמְנְעוּ מֵחֲטָאֵיהֶם וְהֵם בְּנֵי חָדֶל, כְּמוֹ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (תהלים לט) אֵדְעָה מֶה חָדֵל אָנִי. וְלָכֵן הוּא יוֹשֵׁב בְּשַׁעַר גַּן הָעֵדֶן וְשָׂמֵחַ בַּצַּדִּיקִים שֶׁבָּאִים בְּאוֹתָהּ דֶּרֶךְ שֶׁל גַּן עֵדֶן


Zohar Noach
Continued from previous DZ
Isaiah 38:11
“אָמַרְתִּי לֹא אֶרְאֶה יָהּ יָהּ בְּאֶרֶץ הַחַיִּים לֹא אַבִּיט אָדָם עוֹד עִם יוֹשְׁבֵי חָדֶל.”
“I said, “I shall not see יָהּ YH, יָהּ YH in the land of the living; I shall observe man no more among the inhabitants of the world.”

When a person departs from this world and gives an account of everything, he has done in this world while he is still in soul and body together. And he sees what he sees, until he comes to the world of truth, and meets there with Adam, who sits at the gate of the Garden of Eden, to see all these keepers of the commandments of the Torah, and rejoices in them.

Around Adam, many righteous people prevented themselves from the path that led to Gehennam and turned to the way leading to the Garden of Eden. They are called the dwellers of “חדל” “Hadel,” which means ‘to cease.’ He asks why it is not written the inhabitants of “חלד,” “Heled,” which is the name of the higher surface of the earth. The words have the same letters but in different order to have different meanings.
Psalm 49:2
“שִׁמְעוּ זֹאת כָּל הָעַמִּים הַאֲזִינוּ כָּל יֹשְׁבֵי חָלֶד.”
“Hear this, all peoples; Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,”
The translation of the verse Isaiah 38:11 and Psalm 49:2 considers only “חָלֶד,” ignoring the deeper meaning of the verse that the Zohar brings here. The words have same letters “חָדֶל” and “חָלֶד”. The first means “to cease,” and the second “this world.”
The righteous are called inhabitants of “חדל” “Cease” to tell us that they ceased following the path of the wicked that leads to Gehennam and overcome the evil to enter the Garden of Eden.

Another interpretation is that “inhabitants of the חָדֶל (Cease) ” means those who did Teshuva and prevented themselves from the actions of the wicked. Because Adam was the first to do Teshuva before his Creator, he sits with those who repented and avoided sins and are called from “חדל,” as it is written;
Psalm 39:5
“הוֹדִיעֵנִי יְהוָה קִצִּי וּמִדַּת יָמַי מַה הִיא אֵדְעָה מֶה חָדֵל אָנִי.”
YHVH, make me know my end, And what is the measure of my days, That I may know how frail (חָדֵל) I am.”

Because he repented, Adam is with the righteous at the entrance of the Garden of Eden.
In Psalm 39:5, King David asks Hashem to know his end and if he “Ceased” from sins, meaning he corrected himself.
Teshuva is the key to entering the Garden of Eden. When we see a lot of wickedness around us, we should avoid the wicked way and cease following their path.
