Daily Zohar # 4549 – Kedoshim – Take your soul that you have entrusted to me
Daily Zohar 4549

Hebrew translation:
86. וְלֹא עוֹד, אֶלָּא שֶׁנַּפְשׁוֹ אֵינָהּ עוֹלָה לְמַעְלָה, וְהַיְנוּ מַה שֶּׁאָמַר רַבִּי אַבָּא: הָרַחֲמָן יַצִּילֵנוּ מֵהֶם וּמֵעֶלְבּוֹנָם. וּפֵרְשׁוּהָ, אֲפִלּוּ שֶׁהוּא עָשִׁיר, וְאֵלָיו הוּא נֹשֵׂא אֶת נַפְשׁוֹ דַּוְקָא, אֲפִלּוּ מִכָּל אָדָם גַּם כֵּן, וְכָל שֶׁכֵּן עָנִי. וְהַיְנוּ מַה שֶּׁהָיָה עוֹשֶׂה רַב הַמְנוּנָא, כְּשֶׁהָיָה אוֹתוֹ שָׂכִיר מִסְתַּלֵּק מֵעֲבוֹדָתוֹ, הָיָה נוֹתֵן לוֹ שְׂכָרוֹ וְאוֹמֵר לוֹ: טֹל אֶת נַפְשְׁךָ שֶׁהִפְקַדְתָּ בְּיָדִי, טֹל אֶת פִּקְדוֹנְךָ.
Zohar Kedoshim
Continued from previous DZ
Come and see, whoever takes the wages of the poor, it is as if he takes his soul and the soul of his household members. He who diminishes their soul, the Holy One, Blessed be He, shortens his days and diminishes his soul from this world. For all the ‘vapors’ (pain and words) that came out of the mouth of the poor all that day, they all ascend before the Holy One, Blessed be He, and stand before Him, and afterward, his soul and the souls of his household members rise and stand together with the vapors from his mouth. That is, they demand justice before the Holy One, Blessed be He. And then, even if several good days and blessings were decreed for the person who takes the wages of the poor, they are all removed from him. This is a solemn reminder of the spiritual consequences of neglecting the poor, urging us to act with compassion and justice.
In addition, his soul does not ascend above. Rabbi Abba said this: “May the Merciful One save us from them and their dishonor (humiliation).” As we have learned, even if the employee is wealthy, it is forbidden to delay his wage. “He relies on it to sustain his life” is precise, even for every person, and all the more so a poor person. This is what Rabbi Hamnuna used to do; when a laborer finished his work, he would give him his wages and say to him, “Take your soul that you have entrusted to me; take back your deposit.”
We don’t know the impact of our lack of feeling for the poor. If we had opportunity to support the poor but avoided it then it can be against us. It doesn’t mean we give to anyone who asks us, because many are fake poor. We need to be sensitive to those who are really poor. Since the world is poor in love and Light, we should be respectful and kind to all, while avoiding the wicked. When we support channels of Light, we support our poor world that needs Light. This serves as a call to action, reminding us of our duty to spread kindness and respect in a world that is often lacking in these virtues.