Daily Zohar 4582
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -4582

Hebrew translation:

178. בְּאוֹתָהּ שָׁעָה שֶׁבְּרָכָה זוֹ יוֹצֵאת מִפִּי הַכֹּהֵן, אוֹתָן שִׁשִּׁים אוֹתִיּוֹת יוֹצְאוֹת וְטָסוֹת בָּרָקִיעַ, וּמְמֻנִּים שִׁשִּׁים גְּדוֹלִים עַל כָּל אוֹת וְאוֹת, וְכֻלָּם מוֹדִים עַל כָּל הַבְּרָכוֹת הַלָּלוּ. מָה הַטַּעַם שִׁשִּׁים אוֹתִיּוֹת בַּבְּרָכוֹת הַלָּלוּ? מִשּׁוּם שֶׁיִּשְׂרָאֵל הֵם שִׁשִּׁים רִבּוֹא, וְסוֹד שִׁשִּׁים רִבּוֹא עוֹמְדִים בָּעוֹלָם, וְכָל אֶחָד וְאֶחָד הוּא (רִבּוֹא) אֶחָד.
179. הַשֵּׁם הַקָּדוֹשׁ שֶׁיּוֹצֵא מִזֶּה עוֹלֶה לְמַעְלָה עַד אוֹתוֹ הַכִּסֵּא שֶׁלְּמַעְלָה. וְהַכֹּל, שְׁכִינָה עֶלְיוֹנָה וּשְׁכִינָה תַּחְתּוֹנָה, מוֹדִים לַכֹּהֵן בְּאוֹתָן הַבְּרָכוֹת וְעַל אוֹתָם שִׁשִּׁים מְמֻנִּים. וְעַל זֶה כָּתוּב, וְשָׂמוּ אֶת שְׁמִי עַל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַאֲנִי אֲבָרֲכֵם. וְאָז הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מְבָרֵךְ אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל. (ע”כ רעיא מהימנא)..
180. מִצְוָה אַחַר זוֹ – בִּרְכַּת כֹּהֲנִים. יְבָרֶכְךָ ה’, יָאֵר ה’, יִשָּׂא ה’. מָקוֹר מִשְּׁלֹשָׁה שֵׁמוֹת אֵלּוּ: יוֹד הֵ”א וָא”ו הֵ”א (יוֹ”ד הֵ”י וָא”ו הֵ”י). קְדֻשָּׁה, אֶהְיֶ”ה אֶהְיֶ”ה אֶהְיֶ”ה, שֶׁמְּקוֹרוֹ יוֹ”ד הֵ”א וָא”ו הֵ”א. הַקִּשּׁוּר שֶׁל שְׁנֵיהֶם, הַיִּחוּד שֶׁל שְׁנֵיהֶם – אֲדֹנָ”י, שֶׁבּוֹ א”י, שֶׁרְמוּזִים איהדונה”י (יאהדונה”י, וְזֶה הָעַמּוּד הָאֶמְצָעִי, וְהַשְּׁכִינָה הִיא יאהדונה”י) (מָקוֹר מִג’ שֵׁמוֹת אֵלּוּ יוֹ”ד הֵ”י וָי”ו הֵ”י שֶׁרְמוּזִים יאהדונה”י, וְזֶה הָעַמּוּד הָאֶמְצָעִי, הַשְּׁכִינָה איההדונה”י) (אידהונה”י), וּרְמוּזִים א”י רְבִיעִי מִשְּׁנֵי שֵׁמוֹת מְפֹרָשִׁים שֶׁרְשׁוּמִים בָּהֶם. (עד כאן הרעיא מהימנא)


Zohar Naso
Continued from previous DZ
When the blessing comes out of the priest’s mouth, the sixty letters found in the Priestly Blessing fly through the sky, appointing sixty ministers over each letter, and they all give thanks for all these blessings. What is the reason that there are sixty letters in these blessings? It is because Israel consists of six hundred thousand souls, and in the secret of the six hundred thousand, they are always present in the world, and each letter in the blessings corresponds to ten thousand. Therefore, they correspond to the six hundred thousand of Israel.

The holy name that emerges from the Priestly Blessing ascends upward to that higher throne, which is Binah. Both the upper Shechina, Binah and the lower Shechina, Malchut, acknowledge and agree with the priest in these blessings. All those sixty ministers, appointed over each letter as mentioned earlier, are blessed. Therefore, it is written,
Numbers 6:27
“וְשָׂמוּ אֶת שְׁמִי עַל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַאֲנִי אֲבָרֲכֵם.”
“And they shall put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.” 
Then the Holy One, Blessed be He, blesses Israel.

The commandment that follows is the Priestly Blessing, “יְבָרֶכְךָ ה’, יָאֵר ה,’ יִשָּׂא ה'” “May the Lord bless you,” “May the Lord make His face shine upon you,” “May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you”—the source of these three Names is יוֹד הֵ” א וָא” ו הֵ” א (יוֹ” ד הֵ” י וָא” ו הֵ” י). The Kedusha (sanctity) is derived from “אֶהְיֶ”ה אֶהְיֶ”ה אֶהְיֶ”ה,” whose source is יוֹ”ד הֵ”א וָא”ו הֵ”א. The connection and unification of these two Names is אֲדֹנָ” י, within which is “אי” “Aleph-Yud.” And the “Aleph-Yud” is hinted at the two explicit Names יהוה, אדני within them יאהדונה” י. It represents the Shechina and the unification in the middle line.

This Zohar explains the profound significance of the Priestly Blessing, specifically focusing on the number of letters it contains. The sixty letters have a powerful presence in the spiritual realms, where they appoint supernal ministers and generate blessings. Each letter represents ten thousand of the souls of Israel, which consist of six hundred thousand souls. This relation between the letters and the souls represents the integral connection between the words spoken by the priest and the spiritual well-being of Israel. The blessings, therefore, are not merely words but are deeply interwoven with the spiritual levels and the Jewish people.
The ascent of the holy name to Binah signifies a connection to a high level of mercy. The agreement between the upper and lower Shechina and the priest’s blessings represents the unity revealed through the priestly Blessings ritual. Additionally, the sixty ministers associated with each letter signify the extensive reach and impact of the blessing, ensuring that all the people of Israel are enveloped in Hashem’s favor.
