I assume that you already read https://dailyzohar.com/the-light-of-miracles-and-sustenance-revealed-on-the-9th-of-the-9th-of-the-9th/

If not, use the link to follow it and read that article before continuing here.

Many asked me for the time of the ninth hour of the ninth day of Kislev.

The entire day, Friday 12/9th 2016 is on the highest level of connecting to Yessod.

The best of the best is the ‘luckiest hour’ that starts at the time specified in this table. The times of the ninth hour below were calculated with margin of error of +/- 5 minutes.

If your city is not mentioned below then look for a city that is on the same Latitude. If you have or you don’t have the exact time then meditate on being in Jerusalem, by the Western Wall. It is the connection to ‘Zion’, Yessod of Malchut.

List of links to make proper connection on that day is available in the article linked above.

Atlanta 14:59 Melburn 16:52
Baltimore 14:20 Mexico City 15:13
Barcelona 15:02 Miami 14:51
Berlin 13:55 Milan 14:27
Bogota 14:46 Montevideo 16:13
Brisbane 15:07 Moscow 14:09
Cairo 14:20 Munich 14:12
Cape Town 16:13 New York City 14:08
Caracas 15:12 Paris 14:48
Chicago 14:00 Rio de Janeiro 16:06
Copenhagen 13:49 Rome 14:20
Dallas 14:50 Sau Paulo 16:21
Istanbul 15:16 Sydney 16:22
Jerusalem 14:02 Tokyo 14:00
Lisbon 13:21 Tornto 14:25
London 13:52 Warsaw 13:26
Los Angeles 14:14



