Daily Zohar # 2420 – Acharei-mot – Connection #3 of 3
Hebrew translation:
51. כִּי בֶּעָנָן אֵרָאֶה עַל הַכַּפֹּרֶת. אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוּדָה, אַשְׁרֵיהֶם הַצַּדִּיקִים שֶׁהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא רוֹצֶה בִּכְבוֹדָם. וְשָׁנִינוּ, מֶלֶךְ בָּשָׂר וָדָם, אִם אָדָם רוֹכֵב עַל סוּסוֹ, הוּא בֶּן מָוֶת, וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא הִרְכִּיב אֶת אֵלִיָּהוּ עַל שֶׁלּוֹ, שֶׁכָּתוּב (מלכים-ב ב) וַיַּעַל אֵלִיָּהוּ בַּסֳעָרָה הַשָּׁמָיִם וְגוֹ’. כָּאן מַה כָּתוּב? וְלֹא יָמוּת כִּי בֶּעָנָן אֵרָאֶה עַל הַכַּפֹּרֶת. וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא הִכְנִיסוֹ לְמֹשֶׁה בּוֹ, זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב (שמות כד) וַיָּבֹא מֹשֶׁה בְּתוֹךְ הֶעָנָן, בְּתוֹךְ הֶעָנָן מַמָּשׁ, כִּי בֶּעָנָן אֵרָאֶה עַל הַכַּפֹּרֶת. זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב, (ישעיה ד) וּבָרָא ה’ עַל כָּל מְכוֹן הַר צִיּוֹן וְעַל מִקְרָאֶהָ עָנָן יוֹמָם וְעָשָׁן. וְכָתוּב, (שמות מ) כִּי עֲנַן ה’ עַל הַמִּשְׁכָּן יוֹמָם.
Zohar Acharei mot
Continued from previous DZ
Song of Songs 1:4
“מָשְׁכֵנִי, אַחֲרֶיךָ נָּרוּצָה; הֱבִיאַנִי הַמֶּלֶךְ חֲדָרָיו, נָגִילָה וְנִשְׂמְחָה בָּךְ–נַזְכִּירָה דֹדֶיךָ מִיַּיִן, מֵישָׁרִים אֲהֵבוּךָ”
“”Draw me, we will run to follow you! The king has brought me into his chambers.” “We will rejoice in you and be glad; We will extol your love more than wine. Rightly do they love you.””
The verse reveals our desire with the Shechina to follow the Light. The result is that the ‘King’ allow us to enter his chambers, which is the aspect of the higher spiritual levels where we can experience great joy.
The most elevated and beneficial connection is when we pray in a group of 10 or more men. In this situation we have a complete vessel and the Shechina joins even if not all are in an elevated state of consciousness. The prayer books are in plural form to make all the parts that construct the vessel (all Israelites בשם כל ישראל…<https://dailyzohar.com/daily-zohar-2050>) as one.
Our heart should be pure and even if we have personal wish and desires for fulfilments, we should pray and have the consciousness and ask that the prayers of other people with similar lack would be answered.
We should make efforts to feel the connection, read Zohar and ask rabbi Shimon to guide us to a higher soul elevation. We wish to ask for understanding and to be able to navigate through life’s challenges and resolve them in peace with the Light as our guide.
There’s a lot to say about proper connection but I will focus here on common mistakes, especially by the new type of students of Kabbalah. My words below may sound harsh but in the purpose of waking up people to a true and meaningful connection to the teaching of Kabbalah.
Many students learn quickly to appreciate the knowledge and immediately jump into using the ‘tools’ as magic wands. They learn the Ana BeKoach by heart and use it like a magician would use a spell. Kabbalah tools are not magic wands or spells. It is very wrong and unfortunately, misguided teaching by teachers that attract paying students to their classrooms and don’t really care about the pure direction of their students. As long as they stay happy in their classroom or social club, then the end justify the means.
Kabbalah study can transform any person’s life for the better if they follow it for the sake of greater connection to YHVH. Wrong reasons to study kabbalah may bring negative outcome. The kabbalah students should pursue a continuous study of Torah, Zohar and follow the laws of the Torah. Many modern teachers discourage their students from going deep into the study and or follow the daily prayers. They define it as ‘religiosity’, giving the illusion that as long as they visit their establishment they are protected and elevated. This is wrong simply because the Zohar teaches otherwise. Rabbi Shimon and all the great Kabbalists, including the teachers of your teachers were extremely ‘religious’ in the aspect of following all the prayers with kabbalistic meditations. They would spend significant time to do the prayers properly. Most of ‘modern’ Kabbalah teaching is diluted and focus on the moral aspect of with less focus on real Zohar study. In most cases they bring Zohar text that serves their agenda. The 72 names and the Ana BeKoach are not shortcuts to achieve material fulfilment. They are part of the prayers.
There are no shortcuts to get a better job and income. There Are no shortcuts to find your soulmate or health or to turn your spouse magically into a prince or princess.
Kabbalah and Kabbalistic tools are used to transform and elevate our souls to have greater desire to come closer to YHVH. Kabbalah is about connection to the Endless and earning immortality in the Final Redemption. Any positive aspect is a ‘side effect’ not a goal. Those who have the wrong consciousness may experience negative ‘side effects’ in a form of judgment, loss of money and or health and or relationships when using the ‘tools’ for direct personal and material benefits.
It is easy to ‘sell’ spiritual BS because new students who don’t have a clue what is Kabbalah and the way the tools are affecting our souls and lives. Those people are easy prey by the wicked rabbi or teacher that wish to keep the ‘cow’ close to him for more ‘milk’. ‘Dry’ students are quickly ignored or demoted.
There are more than few examples of corrupt rabbis and teachers than we wish to know. Some of them incarcerated, disappeared and or shamed in public. Pray that you will never fall into such rabbi, teacher, leader. At the end you may lose your money and faith altogether.
For best spiritual connection forget about using names and shortcuts. There are only few safe names to use individually. Read Zohar everyday and the easiest way is to follow the Daily Zohar. Countless people changed their lives just by following our daily study that is pure from the Zohar without skipping even one paragraph. Every word of the Zohar is sacred and we shouldn’t pick what we like and ignore the rest.
When we have the Zohar strong in our souls we have the best tool to have our non-selfish prayers answered.
On Yom Kippur we fast to disconnect from the desire for the self in order to receive the Light of Binah. To have our prayers answered we need to fast before, cleanse our body and soul and pray with open and broken heart.
Money is an energy source that can help us manifest a lot in this world. Not every person is able to have this energy. For some it would be a gift and a tool to do a lot of good in the world and for some a curse that keep them in their material desires and lose the merits for the world to come. Money comes to people as part of their Tikun. because of the individual Tikun process. Don’t pray for money, pray to maximize on your ability to do more positive with more energy of sustenance and wealth. Always pray to be able to do more with your talents, gifts and skills.
Our life in this world is a daily and continuous process of connecting to the Light and draw what we need in order to walk the path of righteousness, completing our correction in this world before we leave it.
Being rich could be a gift if one understands that the money is not his and is worthless after death. The value of money is what we do with it, nothing else. A lot of money is the bank without purpose is wasted energy. Leaving great inheritance to the children could be a worse thing if the children are not educated to follow the ways of the Torah.
Being poor and pure is a great gift because the less we enjoy from this temporary world, the more we benefit from the world to come and have greater merits to be resurrected for Immortality. Rabbi Shimon and many great Tzadikim could create mountains of gold if they just asked but they didn’t because this world is temporary and the pleasures are in most cases ‘deducted’ from the world to come. .
Do your best to live comfortably in this world but only for the purpose of having greater ability to do more for others.
Learn to pray and bless the food because this is the most important connection to draw light into our lives.
Fasting is a great tool to empty the body in order to fill the soul with greater light. It’s a spiritual and physical ‘detoxification’ that removes all types of Klipot.
The world is in very volatile state and we must connect to the Zohar and Psalms and pray daily to have the protection that we need as in Noah’s Ark.
Be religious in the aspect of studying and praying every day because your life and those you care for depend on it.
Always do your true best to connect and have YHVH in your heart and mind.
B”H I’ll be able to format special prayers for every situation.
Any questions?
Print and have this YHVH name in front of you at home and office. It’s not for prayer or any special use but for eyes connection so your soul will always feel closer to the YHVH name. (From the teaching of the Holy Ari)