Daily Zohar 3900
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -3900

Hebrew translation:

149. כִּי ה’ אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֵשׁ אוֹכְלָה הוּא (דברים ד). הָאֵשׁ הַזּוֹ הוּא צָרִיךְ לִהְיוֹת תָּמִיד עִמָּהּ, שֶׁאֵין לָהּ כְּבִיָּה, שֶׁהוּא אוֹכֵל כָּל הַקָּרְבָּנוֹת שֶׁל הַתְּפִלּוֹת וְדִבְרֵי תוֹרָה. שֶׁהִיא הַשְּׁכִינָה הִיא פַּרְנָסָתוֹ, וּבַמֶּה? בִּתְפִלָּה, זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב (שיר ה) פִּתְחִי לִי. פִּתְחִי לִי, בִּתְפִלָּה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר בָּהּ (תהלים נא) אֲדֹנָי שְׂפָתַי תִּפְתָּח, שֶׁהִיא אֲחֹתִי רַעְיָתִי, וְאֵין רַעְיָתִי אֶלָּא פַּרְנָסָתִי, שֶׁבָּהּ מְתַקְּנִים מַאֲכָלִים שֶׁל קָרְבָּנוֹת שֶׁל הַמֶּלֶךְ הַבָּנִים הַקְּדוֹשִׁים, בְּכַמָּה מִינֵי מַאֲכָלִים, בַּלֶּחֶם שֶׁל הַתּוֹרָה.
150. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר בָּהּ (משלי ט) לְכוּ לַחֲמוּ בְלַחְמִי, מִיָּמִין. וּבְיַיִן, שֶׁהוּא יֵין הַתּוֹרָה, מִשְּׂמֹאל. בְּנִסּוּךְ הַמַּיִם, וְיֵין הַתּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב וּבְעַל פֶּה, מֵהָעַמּוּד הָאֶמְצָעִי שֶׁכּוֹלֵל אֶת שְׁנֵיהֶם. בְּבָשָׂר, שֶׁהוּא בְּשַׂר הַקֹּדֶשׁ, בְּכַמָּה קָרְבָּנוֹת, שֶׁעָלֶיהָ פֵּרְשׁוּ בַּעֲלֵי הַמִּשְׁנָה שֶׁעוֹסְקִים בְּבָשָׂר הַיּוֹרֵד מִן הַשָּׁמַיִם. מַה זֶּה מִן הַשָּׁמַיִם? זֶה הָעַמּוּד הָאֶמְצָעִי, שֶׁעָלָיו נֶאֱמַר וּבָשָׂר מִבְּשָׂרִי.


Jerusalem continue to celebrate Purim

Happy Purim and Shabbat Shalom!

Zohar Tzav
Continued from previous DZ
Deuteronomy 4:24
“כִּי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֵשׁ אֹכְלָה הוּא אֵל קַנָּא.”
“For YHVH your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”
The Torah scholar needs the Shechina with him. She has the aspect of consuming fire that consumes all sacrifices that are prayers, and Torah studies. She receives the prayers of the children of Israel as it is written; “פִּתְחִי לִי אֲחֹתִי רַעְיָתִי” “Open to me, my sister, my darling (רַעְיָתִי)” (Songs 5:2).
The key to opening the connection to the Shechina is with prayers as we open the Amida prayer with;
Psalm 51:17
“אֲדֹנָי שְׂפָתַי תִּפְתָּח וּפִי יַגִּיד תְּהִלָּתֶךָ.”
“O Lord (אֲדֹנָי), open my lips, And my mouth shall say Your praise.”
Our prayers and studies have the aspect of ‘רַעְיָתִי’, ’my darling’ that provides sustenance to Zeir Anpin as we read in Psalm 23:1
“מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד יְהוָה רֹעִי לֹא אֶחְסָר.”
“YHVH is my shepherd (רֹעִי); I have what I need.”
The word ‘רַעְיָתִי’ (my darling, my companion, my beloved) has the same root as ‘רֹעִי’ (my shepherd) that provides all the sustenance that we need.
The bread that is the study of Torah, and prayers are like sacrifices and offerings that the holy children of Israel bring to the King, Zeir Anpin.

Proverbs 9:5
“לְכוּ לַחֲמוּ בְלַחֲמִי וּשְׁתוּ בְּיַיִן מָסָכְתִּי.”
“Come, eat of my bread, And drink of the wine I have mixed.”
“Eat my bread” is from the Right, Chessed. “The wine” is from the Left, Gevurah. The mixing of Right, and the wine that is Left, make the center column, Tiferet which includes both, Chessed and Gevurah. The center represents the flesh of the holy sacrifices, meaning Malchut. The sages say that it is related to the flesh from the heavens that is the center column, Zeir Anpin, also, ‘man’ Adam ‘אדם’.
Genesis 2:23
“וַיֹּאמֶר הָאָדָם זֹאת הַפַּעַם עֶצֶם מֵעֲצָמַי וּבָשָׂר מִבְּשָׂרִי לְזֹאת יִקָּרֵא אִשָּׁה כִּי מֵאִישׁ לֻקֳחָה זֹּאת.”
“And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman Because she was taken out of Man.”

Friday would be a good day to make a ** Donation, especially if you didn’t donate in the past week. Giving on Friday, which is an aspect of Yessod, expands the vessel for the Light and honor of Shabbat.
** Your donation doesn’t have to be given to the same place every week. You can alternate or split your donation among those who benefit you spiritually.
