Daily Zohar # 4216 – Tzav – He founded his bundle upon the earth
Daily Zohar 4216

Hebrew translation:
179. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אָמַר, כָּתוּב (עמוס ט) וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ עַל אֶרֶץ יְסָדָהּ. וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ – כְּשֶׁמִּזְדַּוֵּג הַמֶּלֶךְ כְּנֶגְדָּהּ בְּכָל אוֹתָן הָעֲטָרוֹת הַקְּדוֹשׁוֹת בְּכִנּוּס אֶחָד, אֲזַי וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ כָּתוּב.
180. רַבִּי יִצְחָק אָמַר, וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ – כְּמוֹ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וּלְקַחְתֶּם אֲגֻדַּת אֵזוֹב. מַה זֶּה אוֹמֵר? שֶׁכְּשֶׁמִּתְחַבְּרִים כְּאֶחָד וּמִתְבָּרֶכֶת מֵהֶם, אֲזַי שׁוֹלֶטֶת עַל הַכֹּל וּמְאִירָה לְמַעְלָה וּלְמַטָּה, וְהַכֹּל בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁהַכֹּהֵן עוֹבֵד אֶת הָעֲבוֹדָה וּמַקְרִיב קָרְבָּן וּמַקְטִיר קְטֹרֶת וּמְכַוֵּן דְּבָרִים לְקָרֵב הַכֹּל כְּאֶחָד. אֲזַי כָּתוּב, וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ עַל אֶרֶץ יְסָדָהּ.
Zohar Tzav
Continued from previous DZ
Rabbi Shimon said, It is not called the “Kingship of priests” “מַלְכוּת כֹּהֲנִים”, but a “kingdom of priests” “מַמְלֶכֶת כֹּהֲנִים”, because the priests, who are Chessed, made Malchut as a kingdom by drawing Chassadim to it. The Chokmah in Malchut is dressed in Chassadim and then illuminates and rules with might over all. It is not called the kingdom of the priests because, in the aspect of the Light from the heavens that is Zeir Anpin, it is called a “kingdom”, “Malchut מלכות”, meaning the kingdom of heaven. Here is called “ממלכת” “kingship”, because the priests made it kingship and connected it with a king, Zeir Anpin. Then when Malchut connected with Zeir Anpin, she reigns over all the king’s treasures, all the king’s weapons, the upper and lower, and the whole world.
Rabbi Yossi said it is written;
Amos 9:6
“הַבּוֹנֶה בַשָּׁמַיִם מַעֲלוֹתָו וַאֲגֻדָּתוֹ עַל־אֶרֶץ יְסָדָהּ הַקֹּרֵא לְמֵי־הַיָּם וַיִּשְׁפְּכֵם עַל־פְּנֵי הָאָרֶץ יְהֹוָה שְׁמוֹ”
“He who builds His layers in the sky, And has founded his bundle upon the earth; Who calls for the waters of the sea, And pours them out on the face of the earth— YHVH is His name.”
“His bundle upon the earth”, that is when the King, who is Zeir Anpin, has a unification with Malchut, called earth; he is adorned with all the Holy crowns as one bundle, meaning the three Mochin, which are Chokmah, Binah, and Da’at. They are called crowns that come together in the three lines.
“has founded…on earth” is the effect of Zeir Anpin on Malchut, called “אֶרֶץ” “earth”.
Rabbi Yitzchak says “His bundle”, as it is written, “וּלְקַחְתֶּם אֲגֻדַּת אֵזוֹב” “And you shall take a bunch of hyssops” (Exodus 12:22). He asks what that means. He replies that when Zeir Anpin and Malchut are connected together, and the Malchut is blessed from the three lines of Zeir Anpin, then Malchut rules over all; that is, she is dressed with the three lines of Zeir Anpin and rules over them, illuminates from above to below. All this is during the work of the priest, offering a sacrifice and burning the Ketoret. His meditation aims to bring everything together in one singularity. So it is written, “has founded…on earth” “עַל־אֶרֶץ יְסָדָהּ”.