Daily Zohar # 4345 – Beresheet – He limped on his thigh
Daily Zohar 4345

Hebrew translation:
142. שְׁלִישִׁי, אוֹר שֶׁכּוֹלֵל שְׁנֵי אֵלּוּ, אוֹר שֶׁמֵּאִיר בִּרְפוּאָה, סוֹד הַכָּתוּב בְּיַעֲקֹב (בראשית לב) וַיִּזְרַח לוֹ הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ וְגוֹ’. וַדַּאי כְּשֶׁנִּכְלָל בְּאוֹתוֹ פְּנוֹת עֶרֶב. מִכָּאן וָהָלְאָה וְהוּא צֹלֵעַ עַל יְרֵכוֹ. זֶהוּ נֵצַח יִשְׂרָאֵל.
143. עַל יְרֵכוֹ, יְרֵכוֹ כָּתוּב וְלֹא יְרֵכָיו, זוֹ דַּרְגָּה רְבִיעִית, שֶׁלֹּא הִתְנַבֵּא אִישׁ מִשָּׁם עַד שֶׁבָּא שְׁמוּאֵל, וְעָלָיו כָּתוּב (שמואל-א טו) וְגַם נֵצַח יִשְׂרָאֵל וְגוֹ’. אָז נִתְקַן שֶׁהָיָה חַלָּשׁ כְּשֶׁהִסְתַּכֵּן יַעֲקֹב אָבִינוּ עִם הַמְמֻנֶּה שֶׁל עֵשָׂו.
Zohar Beresheet
Continued from previous DZ
The second Light that becomes darker by evening is the secret of Isaac’s afternoon prayer to correct that level, as it is written;
Genesis 24:63
“וַיֵּצֵא יִצְחָק לָשׂוּחַ בַּשָּׂדֶה לִפְנוֹת עָרֶב וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא וְהִנֵּה גְמַלִּים בָּאִים.”
“And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening, and he lifted his eyes and looked, and there, the camels were coming.”
At the time before the evening, darkness begins to spread. Isaac ‘went out’ of this realm of the Left to draw Chassadim with his meditation.
At the same time of the day before the evening, Jacob saw the minister of Esau, that on him it was said;
Genesis 32:25
“וַיִּוָּתֵר יַעֲקֹב לְבַדּוֹ וַיֵּאָבֵק אִישׁ עִמּוֹ עַד עֲלוֹת הַשָּׁחַר.”
“Then Jacob was left alone, and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.”
The third Light includes the previous two, a light that illuminates healing. It is the secret of;
Genesis 32:32
“וַיִּזְרַח לוֹ הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ כַּאֲשֶׁר עָבַר אֶת פְּנוּאֵל וְהוּא צֹלֵעַ עַל יְרֵכוֹ.”
“Just as he crossed over Penuel, the sun rose on him, and he limped on his thigh.”
The Chassadim brings the Light of healing to the Left. The third Light is the aspect of the middle line that controls the Right and the Left and brings the Light of Tiferet, the attribute of Jacob. From this point on, Jacob limped on his thigh, which is the aspect of Netzach, as it is said Netzach Israel, meaning the aspect of Netzach of Israel, who is Jacob. The two legs have the aspects of Netzach and Hod.
“On his thigh” is written in a single form, not his thighs. This is the fourth level that no one prophesied from there until Samuel came, and on it is written;
1 Samuel 15:29
“וְגַם נֵצַח יִשְׂרָאֵל לֹא יְשַׁקֵּר וְלֹא יִנָּחֵם כִּי לֹא אָדָם הוּא לְהִנָּחֵם.”
“And also the Strength (נֵצַח, Netzach) of Israel will not lie nor relent. For He is not a man, that He should relent.”
Netzach is above Hod, meaning that Hod is included in it. When Jacob put himself in danger fighting the angel of Esau, it was the point that Netzach was corrected on the Right and Hod on the Left.