Daily Zohar # 4451 – Vaera – Strong croaking frogs
Daily Zohar 4451

Hebrew translation:
144. וּבֹא רְאֵה, פַּרְעֹה הָיָה שִׁלְטוֹנוֹ בַּמַּיִם, (בָּרִאשׁוֹנָה וּמֵהַתַּחְתּוֹנָה הִתְחִיל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, וְכַאֲשֶׁר הִגִּיעַ לְדַרְגָּתָם הָעֶלְיוֹנָה, שֶׁהִיא הַבְּכוֹרָה שֶׁבַּדְּרָגוֹת, הָרַג כָּל בְּכוֹר בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁהִיא מַדְרֵגָה עֶלְיוֹנָה וְהַבְּכוֹרָה שֶׁל הַכֹּל. וּבֹא רְאֵה, פַּרְעֹה הָיָה בְּכוֹר, וְשִׁלְטוֹנוֹ בַּמַּיִם) שֶׁכָּתוּב (יחזקאל כט) הַתַּנִּים הַגָּדוֹל הָרֹבֵץ בְּתוֹךְ יְאֹרָיו. מִשּׁוּם כָּךְ הִתְהַפֵּךְ נְהָרוֹ לְדָם בַּתְּחִלָּה. אַחַר כָּךְ הַצְּפַרְדְּעִים שֶׁהָיוּ נוֹגְפִים בָּהֶם בְּקוֹלוֹת, רוֹעֲדִים וּמְקַרְקְרִים בְּתוֹךְ מְעֵיהֶם, (מְקַרְקְרִים בְּתוֹךְ הַיְאוֹר) וְיוֹצְאִים מִתּוֹךְ הַיְאוֹר וְעוֹלִים לַיַּבָּשָׁה, וּמְרִימִים קוֹלוֹת לְכָל הַצְּדָדִים, עַד שֶׁהֵם נוֹפְלִים כְּמוֹ מֵתִים בְּתוֹךְ הַבַּיִת.
Zohar Vaera
Continued from previous DZ
The lowest of all the levels, which is the Malchut, referred to (Isaiah 34:6) “חֶרֶב לַיהוָה מָלְאָה דָם” “the sword of YHVH filled with blood,” struck first. Therefore, the waters of the Egyptians turned into blood. Rabbi Shimon said, “The Holy One, Blessed be He, began the strikes from the lowest level, Malchut. His hand, which has ten fingers representing the ten Sefirot, struck with each finger from Malchut up to Keter. When He reached their highest level, which is the firstborn of all levels, corresponding to Keter, He did His work and passed through the land of Egypt, killing all the firstborns because that was their highest level.
Pharaoh, whose dominion was in the power of water, as it is written,
Ezekiel 29:3
“דַּבֵּר וְאָמַרְתָּ כֹּה אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה הִנְנִי עָלֶיךָ פַּרְעֹה מֶלֶךְ מִצְרַיִם הַתַּנִּים הַגָּדוֹל הָרֹבֵץ בְּתוֹךְ יְאֹרָיו אֲשֶׁר אָמַר לִי יְאֹרִי וַאֲנִי עֲשִׂיתִנִי.”
“Speak, and say, ‘Thus says YHVH GOD: “Behold, I am against you, O Pharaoh king of Egypt, O great monster who lies in the midst of his rivers, Who has said, ‘My River is my own; I have made it for myself.'”
For this reason, his river was first turned into blood. Then, the frogs emerged from there, which plagued the Egyptians with their croaking sounds in their bellies. These frogs came from the aspect of the “יָּד הַחֲזָקָה” “strong hand,” which is Gevurah, and this hand strengthened their sounds to all directions until the Egyptians fell like dead in their houses.