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Author: Zion Nefesh

Zoharjev Dnevnik Št. 1120 – Pritegni žarek svetlobe

<a href=”″>Pritisni/Dotakni tukaj za poslušanje Zoharjevega dnevnika</a><br><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-21″ title=”Daily Zohar Pinchas-1120 Scanning from right to left top to bottom” src=”” alt=”Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1120″ />

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Parashat Haman – Drawing light of sustenance for the entire year.

On Tuesday before the Shabbat that we read the portion of Beshalach we experience a special energy of sustenance. In addition to the famous 72 names that comes from this portion, we have the miracle of the Manna. It sustained the Israelites in the wilderness.
The Manna was a spiritual energy from the higher level that manifested on the lower level to satisfy the taste of everyone. As a matter that came from a perfect spiritual state, the Manna included healing energy.
It is highly recommended to read the following text from the PDF linked here and or follow the video I prepared last year for this purpose.

You can watch a video with the reading of the sacred text on the DailyZohar site. Click here:

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Zoharjev dnevnik Št. 1115 – Temu bo sledilo radostno petje dreves iz gozda

<a href=”″>Dotakni/Pritisni tukaj za poslušanje Zoharjevega dnevnika</a><br><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-21″ title=”Daily Zohar Pinchas-1115 Scanning from right to left top to bottom” src=”” alt=”Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1115″ />

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Even in a concealment within a concealment, he is there
