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Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -1037

Tikkun 5 – 11

Soul impurities that occur between the ages of 13 through 20 result in punishment/correction during this lifetime. After the person leaves this world,he is judged on all of his actions, even for those he did when he was a child.

There are serious negative actions like those that the Torah mentions that the punishment is death using twice the word for death as in “מות יומת” (usually translated in English as ‘surely will die’). For these actions, the person is judged on the same night and his Tikkun is adjusted to include the proper ‘punishment’.

Rabbi Ashlag teaches us that punishment is when a person is ignored by God and loses providence. Because of the lack of light to guide, him he falls into the temptation of the other side and getsin ‘trouble’.
What we call punishment is the aspect of mercy that the Tikkun process brings. With it, we have the opportunity to correct and cleanse the impurities caused to our soul because of our actions.

There are some good actions that protect the person with their light, that is used to cleanse other negative impurities and disable the prosecutor from asking punishment on them.
There are negative actions that great cause damage to another person like causing death of any kind (physical, emotional, evil speech, economical etc.) that can not be ‘traded’ for light of a positive action. A punishment and correction should be made.

Exodus 21:14
“ וְכִי-יָזִד אִישׁ עַל-רֵעֵהוּ, לְהָרְגוֹ בְעָרְמָה–מֵעִם מִזְבְּחִי, תִּקָּחֶנּוּ לָמוּת”
“And if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor, to slay him with guile; you shall take him from my altar that he may die.”

The altar that was used to remove judgments can not protect a person with major sins/impurities and he must correct his actions with one of the four death types.
